
Dragon Palm Circle

Wicca 101

Dragon Palm Circle

Wicca 101

ã Dragon Palm Circle

Sevierville, TN 37876



Complied and Written


Dreamweaver and Lady Anu

Herbs by Lady Aurora Leilani







Table of Contents

Introduction i

Chapter 1

Week 1 - Introduction to Wicca 1

Week 2 - History part 1 2

Week 3 - History part 2 4

Chapter 2

Week 4 - Philosophy of Witchcraft part 1 7

Week 5 - Philosophy of Witchcraft part 2 10

Week 6 - Beliefs of Witchcraft part 1 12

Week 7 -Beliefs of Witchcraft part 2 15

Week 8 - Beliefs of Witch part 3 16

Week 9 - Ethics / Responsibilities

Chapter 3

Week 10 - Tools part 1 18

Week 11 - Tools part 2 20

Week 12 - Dress 20

Chapter 4

Week 13 - Getting Started 24

Week 14 - Casting Circle 25

Week 15 - Covens 27

Week 16 - Rituals part 1 30

Week 17 - Book of Shadows 32

Week 18 - Rituals part 2 34

Chapter 5

Week 19 - Sabbats - Major 36

Week 20 - Sabbats - Minor 36

Week 21 - Samhain / Beltane 37

Week 22 - Imbolc / Lughnasadh 38

Week 23 - Ostara / Midsummer

Week 24 - Mabon / Yule 39

Week 25 - Review for Midterm 41

Week 26 - Midterm 42

Week 27 - Midterm Comferences 42

Chapter 6

Week 28 - Meditation 43

Week 29 - Dreams 44

Week 30 - Theban 45

Week 31 - Marriage, Birth, & Death 46

Week 32 - Channeling 48

Week 33 - Astral Travel, Past Lives 49

Chapter 7

Week 34 - Divination 50

Week 35 - Tarot

Week 36 - Scrying

Chapter 8

Week 37 - Herbalism

Week 38 - Herbs



Chapter 9

Week 39 - Magick part 1

Week 40 - Magick part 2

Week 41 - Magick part 3

Week 42 - The Written Word

Chapter 10

Week 43 - Healing part 1

Week 44 - Healing part 2

Chapter 11

Week 45 - Getting Started

Week 46 - Solitary Witches part 1

Week 47 - Solitary Witches part 2

Chapter 12

Week 48 - Wicca Today

Week 49 - Wicca Tomorrow

Chapter 13

Week 50 - Q & A - you ask

Week 51 - Wicca 101 Exam

Week 52 - First Degree Ritual




Index 5




This manual has been written to teach Wicca 101 The Dragon Palm Circle way. Beside completing all 52 weeks within the manual, the student is also expected to be able to Cast their own Circle, made at least one tool, article of clothing, or craft item. Do all written assignments, which include four book essays. Attend at least six Sabbat and six Full Moon Rituals.


This manual is made to take a year and a day to complete. Besides the information from this manual the student will also need the following books: Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland, To Ride A Silver Broomstick by Silver RavenWolf, A Witches Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar, and Wicca: A Guide for the Soldiery Practitioner by Scott Cunningham.

Week One - An introduction to Wicca and Dragon Palm Circle

What is this course all about and why are you taking it.

What is Wicca? Wicca is another name for Witchcraft and Wiccan for Witch. But, No you say. You have read that Wicca is a new age religion and Witchcraft is not that. The people who write that have never asked a Witch. If they did, they would find out how wrong they are. In the 1950's and early 1960's Witches wanted a name they could put down when they were asked their religion (like in a hospital) and since Wicca and Witchcraft has the same origins - it was gone with. For this class, it is very important that this is remembered.

We need to ask you a few questions and these along with the answer should go in your Book of Shadows. What is a book of shadows you say? It is the most important tool outside of themselves that a Witch has. It contains all their spells and rituals along with other things they fell they will need at a latter date. Therefore, if you do not have one now, you need to get one soon. The first question you will write into your BOS is" w "What does Witchcraft mean to me?" And next is "Why do I want to become a Witch?" It is very important that these two things get put into your BOS.

What Tradition is going to be taught? Dragon Palm Circle is an eclectic Wiccan Coven. Before we go very far, we need to talk about what is an eclectic Wiccan. If you check with many people on the Internet you would get the impression that it is a Witch that can do anything, he or she wants as long as they follow the REDE. FALSE!!! You will find there are many different ways of doing things in Wicca. Some cast circle starting at the North others start in the East and then it gets more complex with many different ways of doing things. Being eclectic is like going to a smorgasbord and picking just what you want. The main thing to look at is, if it works you can use it. Now many eclectic's will bring in ideas form other pagan paths, this is OK to a degree. You can be an eclectic Wiccan using Native American Shamanic principles but you can not be a Native American Shamanic Wiccan. There are many beliefs that are shared between pagan paths and can be used by all, but there are areas that they are different. These are what truly mark the path you are on. There are many people who like the term Witch who truly are following another path - you should be true to yourselves as well as others.

A few things about our "tradition": We start in the East, we have as guardians: East - Gabriel, South - Raphael, West - Michael and North - Urial. You will find in the books we read and from other traditions that this is not uniform. I have seen each guardian at a different quarter. In addition, they are called guardians, angels, archangels, and Watchers. The main thing is, if you pick our way or one of the others, stay true to it, if it feels right. There is nothing wrong with change with growth - in fact, it is very important. However, don't change every time you read or hear a different way of doing something. (Do change when you find something that will add to the ritual.)

Other traditions - in most cases to be taught a tradition you must join a Coven of that tradition. Most non-eclectic witches belong to a single tradition. There are a few who are degreed in more than one tradition. To learn outside the coven, you will find that you are taught only part of the tradition. The reason for this is that Covens have oaths of secrecy. There are very strong within traditional Covens. The secrets can only be taught to someone who is joining the Coven and the Tradition. If someone says that they have learned on their won to be a Gardnerian Stega Witch, you can be sure they know little of Wicca. Both can only be learned through a Coven - yes there are books on both and they skim the surface of both. Members of both Trads would consider the person a fake. (Don't mix this up with someone who says " I am a 3rd degree Stega high Priestess, and I have also earned a Gardnerian second degree". This person has done a lot of studying.)

Dragon Palm Circle

Just to let you know a little about us. We started as a study group in Lake Worth, Fl in 1997. In January of 1998 we dedicated the Coven as a teaching Coven. The founders of Dragon Palm were Lady Sky, Lady Vesta, Angus WaterStone, Dreamweaver, Aquarius, and Merlin. In 1999 the Coven came to Tennessee leaving in Florida a new Coven. The Tennessee Coven was comprised of Lady Sky, Lady Vesta, Angus WaterStone, Dreamweaver and Aquarius - most of the Coven founders. In Florida Dragon Palm hosted two small gatherings - one on Samhain 1998 with about 100 people and another on MidSummer 1999 with about 40 people.

The Coven has both an Inner and Outer Circle. The Inner Circle is the Coven itself and the Outer Circle is made up of students and Pagans who wish to worship with DPC.

Next Weeks Assignment:

  1. Read pages 1 - 8 of Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft ( 1 - 11 2nd edition)
  2. Find out other information about the History of Witchcraft.

Week Two - History part 1

History from the view point of the Pagan

istory is always told from the view point of the winner and in the case of religious history the Christian church is the winner. This short history is based upon information form several different books, shows on the history channel and a bit of imagination tossed in for good luck.

Lets start at the beginning of time for mankind. At this time the main source of food is the hunt and men are the hunters. The women stay in the camp taking care of the young and gathering roots, berries, grain and other foods close to the camp. Because of this women is in the position to learn "Great" things. She finds out that by planting what she has picked, she can grow it. She also figures out very quickly what makes children.

Because of their work in the New gardens, they lean about herbs and out of this comes the first Shaman. The worker of Magick, A wise woman, a WITCH! Because of this she shapes a figure of the Goddess for her people to worship. The men by this time start worshipping the God of the hunt. The Old Religion has begun.

Man soon found out how to raise some of the animals he had been hunting and this gave time for different crafts to form and the camp became a village. The God of the hunt became a protector God, who protected the herds and the village, the Goddess remained the Mother Goddess.

As the villages got bigger the God and Goddess got more important - gaining places of worship and priest and priestess evolved out the shaman. The villages became proficient at an art or a craft and the God and Goddess became know for this. As Wars started, the villages were united into what was called city-state. In addition, each village brought with it, its own God and Goddess and we now have the birth of the Pantheons. Different aspects of the God and Goddess became other God's and Goddesses. We had a God for the herd, for the hunt, for war and for protection. Goddesses for childbirth, healing, crops n the field and so on. In many cases, there would be both a God and a Goddess for the same thing. With a few exceptions, the Priest and Priestess were no longer what we think of as Witches.

As all of this was going on in the west, in the east an eclectic religion known as Judaism was appearing. It was a religion that had only one God instead of both a God and Goddess, but at first, this God was neither male nor female. The early tales of them in the Old Testament of the Christian bible would be a mythology. It is borrowed from many other religions in the area. The main difference being they substituted their God for the Pagan God and Goddess.

About the time of Moses much of the material became original, but not backed with other historical documents. The Egyptians have no record of him or his people and the Egyptians were renowned record keepers. This is most likely the time that the Jewish God became all male. There could be many reasons for this, but most likely it was to give the men control over the women. It is also at this time that Eve replaced Lilith as Adams wife. This made Adam in the image of God and Eve was made from a rib of Man. Lilith was like Adam - made in the image of God and she was Adams equal.

If certain things hadn't happened the west and east religions would have never met. However, Rome did want to rule the known world. Moreover, during the time of the Roman occupation a Jewish reformer by the name Jesus was born. He formed a Revised Version of Judaism. He was a worker of Magick. He wanted to give women back their rightful position with in the church and family. He did much and if his followers had followed his teachings, many things would have been different. However, that didn't happen. The new Christian Church went to Rome and unlike other religions, they refused to become part of the Roman Pantheon. Finally the Christian church won and shortly there, after the Roman Empire fell. Some of the things the Church wanted to do were to do away with education. Knowledge was Evil - a sin. So the only educated people should be the clergy. From Rome, the church moved out converting Kings and Kingdoms. Which was fun - the King converted and then his people converted even if it had to be at sword point. Many of these newly converted continued to worship their Gods and Goddesses, until the church got after them. One of the easier ways was to make a Pagan Holiday into a Christian one - Ostara = Easter, Yule = Christmas, Imbolc = Candlemas, Beltane = May Day, Samhain = All Saints Eve or All Hollows Eve, Mabon = Harvest Home, and Lughnassadh = Lammas. Pagan Gods and Goddesses became saints. And the Priest and Priestess of the Old Religion had to go underground. They became known as the Witches and Wizards in the small towns. They were the healers, and the learned people. They reviled the village Priest and word finally made it to Rome that the Witches had to be done away with. Up to this point the Inquisition was being used many to attack the educated and enemies of the Vatican.

During the Burning Times many people where killed by the Church, its unlikely that there were that many Witches - but they were killed as Witches. This was a horrible time, all you needed was someone mad at you and they could say you were a Witch. The things that were done are unspeakable and they were done by men who claimed they here Holy Men.

Through the rest of the middle ages and the rennasse we will see a real Witch or Wizard pop up here and there. Queen Elizabeth Wizard - John Dee is a wonderful example. When she became Queen, England was a poor nation. When she died England was the strongest nation in the western world.

Finally, in the 1950's Gerald Gardner comes forth and says, "There are still Witches, I know this because I am one".

Class Discussion: The Old Religion, what was it?


  1. Who is Dr. Margaret Murray?
  2. When were the origins of the religion that became Witchcraft?
  3. What is Sympathetic Magick?
  4. What does Wicca mean?
  5. Who was Pope Gregory the Great?
  6. Who was Pope Innocent VIII?
  7. Who were Heinrich Kramer and Jakob Sprenger?
  8. What was the Malleus Maleficarum?
  9. Who was King James I?
  10. Who is Dr. Gerald Gardner?

Assignment for Next Week:

  1. Read pages 283 - 286 "To Rider A Silver Broom" by Silver RavenWolf
  2. Write why the history of Witchcraft is Important.

Week 3 - History part 2

Modern Wiccan History

This week we start in the 1950's. The last of the Witchcraft laws have been repealed in England and the Witches speak out. Dr. Gerald Gardner publicly states he is a Witch! During this period, there are many unknowns. There are people who say that Gardner created Wicca. Others say he just opened the craft to the general public. We know today that many of the rituals we do have basis with earlier pagan religions, and others would be more at home with the Masons or Golden Dawn. Nevertheless, the things we do work. If not for Gardner, there would be a lot less people knowing they were Witches. Many of you have had the delight of finding out about Wicca and the fact that it's beliefs mirrored your own. Think what it would have been like if you never found Wicca! Always searching for something you couldn't find!

Gardner though the Coven he was in was one of the last in Europe and stated so. He was surprised when other Covens started coming out of the woodwork. Some like the Strega predates Gardner by hundreds of years. Leland wrote about them in the late 1800's and in his writing stated they had been around for hundreds of years.

Gardner, although he opened Witchcraft knowledge to the general public, not everyone could join his Covens. Others, that did join, felt that certain things were being done wrong. Because o this other Trads were formed and to this day are still being formed.

Raymond Buckland, who trained under Gardner, came to the USA. He made the claim that he brought Witchcraft to America. Many American Witches, who were already here, disagreed with him. He did bring the Gardnerian Tradition to America and latter created the Sax Wiccan Trad.

People like Gardner and Buckland popularized Witchcraft, but they were not the first of the modern Witches, but they were the first to come out of the broom closet.

In Europe the Trads control Witchcraft, while in the USA eclectic Witchcraft seems to be more popular. With Witches like Z. Budepest and Starhawk things change and the existing Trads can't fulfill the need of the Witches. So they form NEW TRADS that can fulfill those needs. Both are feminist, but they both have different needs.

Z. Budepest help form the Diantic Trad of Witchcraft. This trad the Goddess is the major deity and the God is only her consort. Most of the Covens are all female. They believe in HEXES. They also believe in the REDE, so the Hex is not an easy spell to do.

Starhawk's form of Wicca is not Diantic, but it is still feminist in many ways other Trads are not. The main thing about her Trad is it is a MUST DO...If something is wrong, you must do something to make it right, regardless of what happens to you. Because of this, she has been in jail many times. It is also all right to belong to more than one Coven, as long as they do not conflict with one another. She is in both an all female Coven and a mixed Coven.

The use of the name Wicca and Wiccan came into use in the late 50's, early 60's when Witches wanted a name to use that didn't shout out " I AM A WITCH". Today there are people who claim Wicca and Witchcraft are not the same - they are wrong! This comes from not being taught by an elder. They have no way of knowing what has gone on or about things that are not recorded because they depend on books and the Internet. (The Internet is both a wondrous tool and a grand source of misinformation.)

There are many Modern Witches who are writers. Some are very good, others not so good, and a few really bad. When you pick a book, try to find something out about the author. In addition, find out when the book was first printed. All this will reflect upon the book. If the writer is a Solitary that has never been part of a Coven - the writings may not contain "main line" information.

It seems in the last five or six years we are getting more and more Witches coming out of the broom closet. This is a good sign. Wicca is a recognized religion and has been since the mid 80's. It needs its members to be recognized and counted. As more and more people see us for what we really are, the sooner we will be accepted by the general population. (There will be some that will never accept us.)

Class Discussion:

  1. Is your local paper pro or anti Witchcraft?
  2. Is it safe to say you are a Witch where you live?
  3. Does your public library carry books on Witchcraft as a religion?
  4. Does it bother you when someone says they are a Witch and they start talking about Witchcraft its something completely different from what Witchcraft is?
  5. Discuss Modern people in Witchcraft.


Tell who the following people and places are:

  1. Magot Adler
  2. Raymond Buckland
  3. Z. Budapest
  4. Laurie Cabot
  5. Scott Cunningham
  6. Janet and Stewart Farrar
  7. Starhawk
  8. Doreen Valiente
  9. Otter and Morning Glory Zell
  10. Church of All Words

Assignment for next week:

  1. Read pages 8 - 11 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (11 - 15 2nd Ed.)
  2. What are your views on Wicca.

Week 4 - Philosophy part 1

The philosophy of the Witch

What is Witch?

A person who is a follower of the religion of Witchcraft or Wicca.

 We have people who are not followers of Witchcraft who call themselves witches! We have followers of Anton LaVay's Church of Satan who call themselves witches or Satanic witches. They are followers of La Vay's version of Satanism, so they would not be Wiccan, as they are not followers of Witchcraft. Another type is some of the followers of some of the African religions are called witches, or at least the name they use is translated to witch. Again they do not follow Witchcraft, so they would not be Wiccan. Then we have a very scary bunch - who have no concept of Witchcraft other than what they have read in fiction - they do not know that it is a religion - but they call themselves witches. They will kill someone's pet and defend their actions with it's what we witches do - NO WITCH WOULD HARM A PET OR KILL AN ANIMAL AS PART OF BEING A WITCH....(This doesn't mean that they don't kill animals for food, as some hunt and fish, but they do not kill because they are a Witch and they only do so for food).

And we have another kind the "want to be" Witch. They come in two types, the good type, who is trying to learn all they can, and because of one thing or another have yet to master the craft - most of these upon finding a good teacher will become Witches - their only problem was jumping the gun in calling themselves Witches before they knew the ways of the craft. The other is the person who has read a book and said I am a Witch because the Rede says I can do what I want as long as I don't hurt anyone and I sure don't want to read anymore books, except that one on love spells, and this year and a day of study is for the birds - because I Know I Am A witch! This person as long as they stay to themselves is all right, but if they start teaching others what they don't know we have problems. You can usually tell this person because they are always mad that other Witches don't accept them. They know that the Goddess loves them, so what else is there to being a Witch? These will sometimes come upon a teacher or a Coven and become real Witches.

Lets take a look at the long version of the Rede:



Bide the Wiccan Laws we must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Live and let live, Fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice aboutTo keep the evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time Let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing moon, Chanting out the Witches' Rune.

Widdershins go by the waning moon, Chanting out the baneful rune.

When the Lady's moon is new, Kiss the hand to her, times two.

When the moon rides at her peak, Then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the North wind's mighty gale, Lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the South, Love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the West, Departed souls will have no rest.

When the wind blows from the East, Expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go, Burn them fast and burn them slow.

Elder be the Lady's tree, Burn it not or cursed you'll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn, Let the Beltane fires burn.

When the Wheel has turned to Yule, Light the log and the Horned One rules.

Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree, By the Lady, blessed be.

Where the rippling waters go, Cast a stone and truth you'll know.

When ye have a true need, Hearken not to others' greed.

With a fool no season spend, Lest ye be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part, Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the Threefold Law you should, Three times bad and three times good.

When misfortune is enow, Wear the blue star on thy brow.

True in Love ever be, Lest thy lover's false to thee.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:

An ye harm none, do what ye will.

This lets you know a lot of what a Witch is, lets look an another poem, the Witches Rune:


Darksome night and shining Moon. East then South then West then North

Harken To The Witches' Rune. Here we come to call thee forth.

Earth and Water, Air and Fire. Wand and pentacle and sword

Work ye unto our desire. And harken ye unto our word.

Cord and censer, scourge and knife. Power of the witches' blade

Waken all ye into life. And come ye as the charm is made.

Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell. Horned Hunter of the night

Lend your power unto our spell. And work our will by our magic rite

By all powers of land and sea. By all the might of the Moon and Sun

As we do will so mote it be. Chant the spell and it be done.

Eko, eko Azarak

Eko, eko Zamilak

Eko, eko Cernunnos

Eko, eko Aradia.


And this also shows what Witchcraft is. Both of these poems are done at each of our major rituals.

Think about what they say.



What does "an' it harm none, do what thou wilt." Mean?

What is Wicca.


  1. What are the principles of Wiccan Belief?
  2. What was the Council of American Witches?
  3. What is the Wiccan Rede?
  4. What is the power within?
  5. Why is religion important to Spells and Charms.

Bonus Question 1: In your reading you read about the Council of American Witches. As a historic side note the council only lasted about six weeks and the only thing they did was write the Principles of Wiccan Belief. Why did they last such a short time. What kinds of things keep us from having a Council of American Witches? What are some of the good things that could come from a Council such as this and what are some of the bad things.

Bonus Question 2: Explain what the Wiccan Rede means to you.

Assignment for next week:

  1. Read pages 135 - 144 in part 2 of the Witches Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar.
  2. Why is religion needed in Witchcraft?

Week 5 - Philosophy part 2

Ethics of Witchcraft

Ethics of Witchcraft

What are the ethics of Witchcraft? Do we get out our book and look up Ethics and find them cut and dry? What about Harm None?

A Witch must form his or her own code of Ethics based on the Wiccan Rede and the Law of Three. Lets look at the Rede - Harm None - Sounds simple, but is it. What about the times when all course of action will harm at least one person? An ye harm none, do what ye will.... What about when inaction will cause harm? Not so simple anymore. Now we must balance what we do. If there is harm, will good outweigh bad? This is when we can bring in the three fold law. For every thing we do its returned to us, good or bad. (and if you can not see the good that is returned you need to get closer to nature, open your eyes, and listen)

Using the Rede and Law of Three as your guide stick, you form you code of Ethics. You do not wait till something happens and then say well, with the three fold law and.... You need to have a firm code made. As time goes by you may refine your code, but it should not be something that is easily changed.

Ethics within a Coven

When you become a member of a Coven you take an oath. This Oath says that there are certain things you can not talk about outside your Coven. It will also say how you will act within the Coven. Some normal thing in this Oath would be not to tell others the names of the other Coven members. (Some may not be out of the broom closet and this could cause them harm). Tell how certain rites and rituals are done. Terminology used by the Coven or Tradition. To show respect for your Elders. (Referring to an Elder within the Coven, who could be younger than you) Breaking this Oath could get you banished from the Coven and could possibly get you called a Warlock!

When you take an Oath, you must up hold it. It is very important.

Here's a quote I like:

Magick requires mental discipline more than it does anything else. You must keep your word whenever you give it, and always follow through with everything you undertake. To do otherwise is to negate your own will. We often see in Wiccan magick the phrase "and as my word so mote it be." If your word means little to yourself or others, then it will reflect in your Magickal ability.

Raven Grimassi - The Wiccan Mysteries - page 140.

Your WORD.... So important. As a Witch, your word must mean something.

Ethics within the Wiccan and Pagan communities

There are many Pagan paths and many Wiccan Traditions, so there are going to be many things that are not agreed upon. When you are at an open circle, don't say "They are doing it wrong!" because they are not doing it the way you would. Witches depending on trad will start a circle in either the East or the North. And other Pagan paths could do it completely different. Accept that they are doing it their way and it is the correct way for them, and enjoy the circle.

Now you are asked to be part of an open circle. Ask questions - find out how they expect the circle to be done. This way you will not be doing something one way and everyone else another way. If the way they want to do circle feels wrong to you, thank them for asking you, but decline being part.. (Do Not say "You all are doing it all wrong")

If you are invited by a group to cast circle, do it the way you normally do. (If you are claiming that you are a Witch of the first degree or above - this is not something you would decline)

Class Discussion: Ethics of Witchcraft


  1. Explain why Wiccan ethics are positive, rather than prohibitive.
  2. Mother Earth, why must we protect her.?
  3. Should we use drugs in our rituals? Why or why not.
  4. What kind of spells are justified under the REDE?
  5. What is the boomerang effect?
  6. Explain: Never accept money for the use of the art, for money ever smeareth the taker.

Bonus Question 1: What is a Warlock and his relationship to modern Witchcraft?

Bonus Question 2: What are some of the important reasons for having an Oath when joining a Coven or a Covens outer court?

Bonus Question 3: In Wicca we do not search out people to join, but let them seek us out. Why? Will this view change?

Bonus Question 4: Should Witches start churches for Pagans?

Assignment for next week:

  1. Read pages 13 - 25 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (19 - 35 2nd ed)
  2. Where do you like to hold your Rituals?

Week 6 - Beliefs part 1

Wiccan Beliefs

The Ultimate Deity and the Gods and Goddess

Witches believe that there was a single all-powerful Deity, which created or gave birth to the universe. Then things get tricky. Different trads believe differently from this point on.

  1. The Deity presents itself to us in both male and female aspects as the God and Goddess.
  2. The Deity gave birth to the God and Goddess.
  3. The Deity was the Goddess and gave birth to the God.
  4. The Deity created all the pantheons and all the Gods and Goddesses.

Regardless of which one we believe in, we still worship the God and Goddess. However, we don't worship them in the Christian since of the word. We believe that they will work with us if we ask, we don't feel they will perform miracles for us. They will help us with our Magick.

A question that is asked is: "What God and Goddess should I use?" Unless a Sabbat ritual where you need a specific God or Goddess use the generic God and Goddess or Lord and Lady or even Mom and Dad. If they want to be recognized as a specific God or Goddess they will come to you and let you know. (If you are in a Coven and in some Trads, you will be given names for you God and Goddess - but you can still have your own private deities)

Another question is: "Do I need to learn Mythology?" Learning anything is always good, but do you need to - NO. Myths are stories about the Gods and Goddesses that were told on cold winter nights. Some where to let people know about what the Gods and Goddesses did, but more are nothing more than stories. The Farrar's have two good books, The Witches God and The Witches Goddess. They give all the information you need on the Gods and Goddesses.

The God and Goddess have both a Dark and a Light side, as does everything in Wicca.


Many people will try to say reincarnation is a eastern religious belief. No, the form of reincarnation that Witches believe in is Western and was part of many religions including early Christianity. The Wiccan belief is that once a person dies they go to the Summerland (name may very by Trad). They stay there for a period and then they are reincarnated into another person. The knowledge of all past live are within you, but out of normal reach.

Now we get to various different views: One is if you are a Witch you were always a Witch or Priest/Priestess in your past lives. (Sometimes in a past life you would never find out you were a Witch) This is why certain parts of the Craft just seem to come to you.

Others say you follow a different Path each time, so you experience different views each time. In addition, others say it's a cosmic game of chance of what path you follow. There is even one view that we go back and forth through time. And that it is timeless in the Summerland. (This could explain why at Samhain you can see people who should have reincarnated long ago)


Where to Hold Rituals

Where ever you want.... You should try to find a quite palace where there will be little distraction. However, if its and open circle, it can be a very public place with tons of distractions. You can hold rituals indoors and outdoors. We prefer outdoors, it feels right. When we lived in Florida, we have held them on the beach. (Had to drive almost 25 miles to find a beach that was open after dark). In addition, we have had hem in both the National Park and a park overlooking a TVA Dam in Tennessee. All the places are wonderful.

There is no set place to hold a ritual. If a place doesn't feel right, don't hold the ritual there. (Although we have to hold them inside from time to time and inside never feels right to us.) Try to make sure you will get no outside interference. (A neighbor coming over and asking what you are doing when you are in the middle of the Great Rite can be unnerving to say the least.☺.)

Class Discussion: Why so many deities if we only believe in the Goddess and the God?

Reincarnation and Where to hold ritual.


  1. What is the "Ultimate Deity"?
  2. Why worship a Goddess and a God?
  3. What is reincarnation?
  4. What is the three fold law?
  5. What does Buckland mean by " Your Temple"?
  6. What should not be used as an alter?

Bonus Question: Karma and the three fold law. How does the Witch view Karma as opposed to some other religions.

Next weeks assignment:

Read pages 3 - 30 To Ride A Silver Broom by Silver RavenWolf.

Think about your beliefs.



Week 7 - Beliefs part 2

More about what makes you a Witch.

What is a Witch?

We have been studying Witchcraft now for seven weeks. What is a Witch?

First, a Witch is a person. Because of this, you will find the craft is made up of people of very different personalities. Now what are some of the things that make a person a Witch?

They Worship the God and Goddess.

They believe in the Ultimate Deity

They respect and protect nature and all living things.

They believe in Magick.

They believe in the Wiccan Rede.

They believe in the Law of Three.

They believe that all paths lead to the same end and respect the people who follow them.

They believe in reincarnation.

A person can do all the above and still not be a Witch! There is an inner something that makes the person a Witch. How can you tell if you are a Witch? Witchcraft feels right to you; it's like finding something that has been missing in your life.

You will find many people talking about Witchcraft will say " I have always believed these things and now I have a name for my beliefs".

You will get the feeling of being one with nature, with the Goddess.... Now some people when they reach this point feel that is all that is needed and refuse to study any more. It's a real shame, these people should be Witches, but they refuse to learn the craft.

A Witch must have a working knowledge of the Craft. This is the reason for the year and a day.

What is not a Witch?

A person following another path besides Witchcraft.

A person who has no knowledge of the Craft.

A person who thinks Witchcraft is only about Magick.

There are people who say anyone who wants to be called a Witch should, since there is no central Witch organization that sets up rules. Others will say there are no rules to Witchcraft. These people are not Witches.

Book Report:

Between now and week 10 we need the first book report. We are not looking for a High School type book report. We want a small review of the book, then you recommendations on how good it is. Do you feel it covers the subjects correctly. Is it interesting. Is it easy to read. The book can be any book that relates to Witchcraft.

Class Discussion: What are your view as to what is a Witch.

Could Witchcraft work with a central organization making Witch Rules.


  1. What is a Witch (in your own words)?
  2. How does society in general accept the practice of Witchcraft?
  3. What is a new generation Witch?
  4. What are some of the different traditions?

Assignment for next week:

Read pages 57 - 60, 75 - 84 To Ride A Silver Broom.

Week 8 - Beliefs part 3

Your Magickal Name

Your Magickal Name

The NAME....Some people feel they must have a Magickal or Craft name NOW! These people usually go through many Craft names. How do you find your name? The truth is it will find you.

When a name comes to you check it with the number method in Buckland. Does it work? If not does it work by changing a letter? Now what do you do if a name comes to you, but no matter what you do, it doesn't work with the number system? First, how did the name come to you? How does it feel to you? Does it feel like your name? Does it fit you? If after answering these questions and it still feels right to you, go with it.

Once you pick a name, it is not in stone. You can change it. Some people change or add to their Craft name with each degree they earn. Others will change it when something Magickal happens in their lives. Others change to mark transitions within their lives.

When do you use your craft name? This is up to you. Some Witches believe that once they reach their first degree that they leave the mundane life and star using their Craft name instead o there birth name. Others use in only in Circle. Some use their craft name around pagans and their birth name around their mundane friends.

What about that Other Magickal Name.

There is a name some get that they share on with the Gods. This is not a name you pick or create. You many never have one, but if you do have one, you tell it to nobody. It is used only for Magick. If you get one, you will know it. If you don't, you don't need one. This is not something that you can make up. It's given to you by the God and Goddess, and it is used for working certain types of Magick. This like so many other things in Witchcraft will come when and if you need it.

Class Discussion: You have just moved into a new house. You have three roommates and you are the only Witch. Tell how you will set up your Sacred Place.

You have just moved into a new house. The people moving in with you are the people you live with in real life now. How will you set up your Sacred Place?


  1. Ways of finding your Magickal Name.
  2. What is a Sacred Place?
  3. What is the Alter?
  4. What is a Stang?

Assignment for Next week:

Review what you have already read

Week 9 - Ethics / Responsibilities

What is expected of a Witch

What are your responsibilities as a Witch? This is important to go over before we go much farther. First, you are a priest or priestess of Wicca, And you should carry yourself as such. As you go up in degree more and more is expected of you. You will need to know how to do rituals - first for just yourself, then for others. Depending on your "specialties" in the craft - there is much more. Also you represent the Craft wherever you go.

The Craft doesn't demand a lot like some religions do, but this doesn't give you freedom to do as you please. Always remember the Rede. It is though ill to charge for rituals and spells. (If you become an author and you write a book with them in it, you are not getting paid for the rituals and spells, you are getting paid for your ability to write.)

Class Questions:

  1. What do you think are important ethics for a Witch to have
  2. How can you use the Rede in your everyday live
  3. What do you think should be expected of a Witch

Assignment for Next week:

Read pages 29 - 33 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (41 - 48 2nd Ed) Pages 85 - 97 To Ride A Silver Broom.

Week 10 - Tool part 1

Tools - how to make and how to use

Why Do I Need to know how to make tools?

You may be saying to yourself, I know it's called the Craft, but I can't make anything, so why do I need to know how. What if you are in an area where you can't buy anything you need. Then you can make what you need. One of the easiest things to make is a Wand. I would recommend that you have at least one wand that you make yourself. You will find yourself using this one more than the beautiful store bought ones.

When you make a tool, you put a part of yourself into it. This makes it a more powerful tool. To get some of your power into a tool you have bought, do something to them to personalize them.

Some Things you can do to Personalize or make tools

Athame: The handle - you can crave figures on it. You can paint figures on it also. You can put stones or crystals on it. The Blade - you can etch runes or symbols on it.

You can buy a knife for its blade, remove the handle, and replace it with one you have made. There are several ways of making an Athame without a forge. One is to use an old file as the blade and grind it down until it's in the shape you want. The next best thing to making it yourself is to find one hand made by another Pagan. (Look at Renfaires)

Wand: First, you need a stick. You can find one on the ground, or you can cut one form a tree. If you cut it from a tree ask the tree first and if it says not, don't. Or you can buy a piece of doweling. What you do with it from three is up to you. You can paint it, wrap it, add stones and crystals, add feathers, runes, and beads. You can also make one from a large crystal finger. A natural stick is always best, but sometimes people live in areas where it is almost impossible to find one.

Broom: You can add decorations to a broom. (If you are going to buy one look in a craft store, as they have natural brooms and sometimes they are as low as a dollar) To make one you need to find a large stick to use as the pole, then gather small sticks for the broom (birch sticks are good) then wrap them onto the larger stick using straw or willow. (or cord)

Pentacle: You can buy them for the alter, but at Dragon Palm we have four, all hand made. The pentacles you buy for the alter are usually tiles. If you want a tile - go to a tile outlet, buy a single tile, and paint the Pentacle on it. Now the ones Dragon Palm has had - 1. We had a round cutting board that had come with a cheese dome. The dome got broken and the board was kept. We needed a Pentacle - and our master craftsman, Angus WaterStone, took the board and routed it into the Pentacle. When we moved we gave it to some of the Elders staying behind. And we have been given two to replace it. One was given to us by a welder - it's all metal and welded into a Pentacle. The other is woven of sticks. And when Angus built our Alter, he routed a Pentacle into the top of it.

Chalice: This is one tool that most people will opt to buy. When buying it you can etch runes, symbols, or your name in Theban on it. Angus has made a Chalice out of wood.

Class Discussion: Other ways to make or personalize tools.


Tell what the following is and what it is used for:

  1. Athame
  2. Wand
  3. Broom
  4. Chalice
  5. Pentacle
  6. Bolline
  7. Incense Burner
  8. Cauldron

Where can you find Magickal items?

Assignment for Next Week:

Read pages 251 - 267 Witches Bible part 2

Book Report is due if you have not already done it.

Week 11: Tool - part 2

Making your own tool.

This week we will be making a tool in class. If we have the parts, it will be a scrying mirror that we will use latter on in this class. While we are making it, you can give us any new ideas you may have since last week on making or personalizing tools.


  1. What is the use of the Necklace?
  2. What is the use of the Garter?
  3. What types of marking are on an Athame?

Assignment for next week:

Read pages 33 - 39 in Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft (48 - 57 2nd Ed)

Week 12 - Dress

The well dressed Witch

What to wear to Circle

What you wear to Circle can depend on what Trad or Coven you belong. Today rituals will vary from skyclad to robed to street clothes. Which is correct? All of them can be. Lets look at both the pros and cons of each way.


Pros: You are close to nature, you are the way you were ment to before the God and Goddess. In a group it shows perfect love, perfect trust.

Cons: Weather, can't do it in a public place, some people uncomfortable, people join circle just to look at nude people.


Pros: You can be skyclad under them, they add to formality of the ritual, they can be another tool to create.

Cons: If you can't make your own, they can cost a lot of money. If the ritual isn't at your home, its another item you must take with you.

Street Clothes

Pro: You can go from work to ritual, its what you are wearing.

Con: It lacks any formality, the dress of the group can vary greatly from a pair of shorts to a suit.

Some Trads say all rituals must be skyclad. If you are in one of those Trads, you will be skyclad. Others give you the choice of skyclad or robed. (Everyone in circle will be either skyclad or robed, not both). With many modern Witches, street clothes are the only way. Sometimes the HP and HPS will be robed and the rest of the Coven will be in street clothes.

With skyclad, everyone should try at least one ritual, even if you do it by yourself. If it can be outside, it's even better. BEWARE: it can be habit forming.

Robes should be a part of every Witches wardrobe. Even Witches in Trads that go skyclad at times will be at an open circle and rituals were skyclad is forbidden because of the public nature of the area. IT really adds to the ritual and festivities when everyone is robed. Robes can be worn over street clothes, but the preferred way to wear them is skyclad under them. When it gets very cold out street clothes may be needed.

Street clothes, which is getting more popular, has very little good that can be said about them. For the Witch on the go, it seems the logical thing. Also the beginning Witch may not have robes yet, so it's the only way they can go and feel comfortable.

Do not do a ritual skyclad if you feel uncomfortable. This would take away from the working of the ritual. I know people who will work skyclad with their Coven, but never with outsiders present, even when the outsiders may be students. This is were the perfect love, perfect trust that a Coven must have come in. Many Covens demand that you are skyclad when you become part of their Inner Circle. If you can not trust them enough to be skyclad in front of them, then you don't have perfect trust..

Class: Make a robe if you do not have one out of an old sheet. Discuss what you wear to ritual and why. What are your feelings about skyclad, Robed, and street clothes?


  1. What does skyclad mean?
  2. When making a robe, what kind of materials is best to us?

Assignment for Next Week:

Read pages 41 - 49 in Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft (61 - 72 R. Ed.)

Week 13 - Getting Started

Rites of passage

Self Dedication

If you have not done so yet, it is time to self dedicate yourself to the God and Goddess. This is your first rite of passage as a Witch. You will note in the books several ways of doing this. All you really need to do in this first rite of passage is to talk to the Lord and Lady and dedicate yourself to Witchcraft. (Note: this is not the same as self-initiation). When you are being taught by a Coven this can be a public event, which in truth may be your second rite of passage if you have already done a Self-Dedication in private. Sometimes the public dedication can also be in conjunction with an Oath to the Coven.

Other Rites of Passage

Some of these we will come back to on week 31.

Initiation: Done after your year and a day. This can also be known as your first-degree initiation. If you part of a group this can also be a time to declare yourself a Witch and that you are ready to take on the responsibilities of being a Witch.

2nd and 3rd Degree Initiation: Done when you have reached these levels. Again, these are times you should state that you are ready to take on the added responsibilities of your new degree.

Wiccaning: This is when the parents of a newborn child declare to the Goddess and the God that they will raise the child, protect it and teach it. It is also noted at this time although the child will be raised Wiccan, it will have the chose of picking its own path.

Crossing Over: This is the Wiccan funeral. It is more for the living as a way of saying Merry Part till we meet a again, either in the Summerland or in another life.

Hand Fasting: The Pagan Wedding. Two forms - A year and a day and As long as love last. The first is a trail marriage and the second can mean lasting over many lifetimes. If the HP or HPS is ordained (and at least one should be) it can be a legal Wedding.

Hand Parting: The love is gone, and because you are a Witch you still like and respect your partner, you return if possible to the HP/HPS that did the handfasting and have a Handparting done. (If you can not get to the person who did the handfasting, any HP/HPS will do) At this time, you will tell how you are going to do the break up. If you have children you tell what is each of your responsibly towards them. You state that you will remain friends. (Now there can be hand partings not as agreeable as this when one party leaves another or causes harm to the other.) If you were legally married, you will have to go the legal route with this also.

Coming of Age: With a girl, this is her first period. IT should be a time of celebration. She now knows the mysteries that men can never learn. Her powers are there greatest. For boys it is around the same time, but not as noticeable. A very important Rite.

Croning: This when a woman has gone through the change of life. It is a new period and new magick for a woman. Men can go through a similar rite and become a sage.

Each rite of passage is important and is a celebration. Some can be done alone, but all can be done with a group

Class Discussion: Types of rites of passage. Why self dedication


  1. What is a Rite of Passage
  2. What is a circle for
  3. How large is a Coven circle
  4. In what direction is a circle drawn.

Assignment Next Week:

Read Circle Handbook

Week 14 - Casting Circle

How to cast a Circle

This week you cast a circle. The following is a very simple way of doing it - if you already cast circle, you may do it the way you are comfortable with.

  1. Get any items you want to use.
  2. Sweep the area of negative energy.
  3. Stand facing the East and Say "I call upon the Guardian of Air to come and protect this circle."
  4. Stand facing the South and say "I call upon the Guardian of Fire to come and protect this circle."
  5. Stand facing the West and say "I call upon the Guardian of Water to come and protect this circle."
  6. Stand facing the North and say "I call upon the Guardian of Earth to come and protect this circle."
  7. Stand facing the East and say "No circle would be complete without returning to the East and Air"
  8. Now go to the alter and bless the salt and water and light the incense.
  9. Take a sword, Athame, Wand, or you finger, go to the East and say "I cast this circle once" then work deosil around the circle till you return to the east. Return to the alter and get the incense. Return to the East and say "I cast this circle twice" and again walk around the circle until you return to the east, take the incense and replace it with the holy water. Return to the East and say "I cast this circle thrice" and walk around the circle for the third time. The Circle is now cast. You say "The circle is cast and we are now in that place between worlds."
  10. Go to the alter and light a candles for the God and Goddess (Gold and Silver or Black and White) and say "I invite the Lord and Lady to attend this circle tonight."
  11. Since this is a practice circle - take a few minutes to meditate. Think of what you have done. Look at the circle. Feel the circle.
  12. Next you will do cakes and Ale. (This can be a cookie and juice or what ever you want). Taking your Athame, Wand or finger and touch the cake and say "Bless this cake" remove a piece for the Lord and Lady. Eat the cake. Do the dame with the Ale and say "Bless this Ale" pour a little for the Lord and Lady. Drink the Ale.
  13. Now you go to the East and say "I want to thank the Guardian of Air for being her tonight." Repeat with each quarter returning to the East.
  14. Than the God and Goddess for attending your circle - put out their candles.
  15. Go to the NE corner of the circle and cut the circle saying "The circle is open, yet unbroken."


  1. Can you feel the power of the Circle?
  2. Why do we need the Magick Circle?

Assignment for Next Week:

Read pages 53 - 55 in Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (79 - 82 2nd Ed)

Read pages 180 - 192 Witches Bible part 2

Week 15 - Covens

A Witches Coven

Coven = A group of 13 Witches

Coven = Family

What is a Coven

What is a Coven? First it is a group of Witches, the size was at one time 13, but today it can be any group of Witches that have two or more people in it. And 13 is considered small by some.

One of the problems with Covens over 13 is that many become just observers, which is not Wicca. However, to get around this is the use of the Inner and Outer circle or court system. The Coven proper is the Inner Circle and the Outer Circle is made up of students and soldieries that want to be connected with the Coven.

IN some case, the members of the outer circle only become inner circle members long enough to be hived off into another new Coven. Some become members of the current inner circle and some just stay in the outer Circle.

You should have seen the term " Perfect Love, Perfect Trust", this is a Coven. You must have Perfect Love and Perfect Trust for the other members of your Coven. They are family, close family. Chances are nothing will be hid from them, so if there is anyone in the Coven you do not feel Perfect Love, Perfect Trust for, don't join it. (Taking about Inner Circle). Because of this, many Covens have taken on an outer Circle.

Outer Circle:

The people in the outer circle are not part of the true Coven. They are allowed after taking an oath to the Coven to attend most rituals. (The ones they are not, they usually don't even know about.) Many of the members of an outer circle are students. They are working on their year and a day and they are learning from the inner circle. Being in ritual helps them in doing some of the things they have read about. It helps bring them out. It also puts them under protection of the Coven.

The other type of person you will find in the outer circle is the soldiery who wants to be part of a group, but has yet to find a Coven that fits just right. They like the people in the Coven, but they just don't have the perfect love, perfect trust needed with everyone in the inner circle. Sometime they don't want to be part of a Coven, but like to come for the Sabbats and a full moon from time to time, but do not want to be tied down to that Coven. These people must also take an Oath to the Coven, which will allow them to attend rituals that are closed.

There is a third type in the Outer Circle and this is the person who wants to become part of the Inner Circle, is already degreed from another Coven, and is working with the Coven to see if they will fit in with the perfect love, perfect trust.


The inner circle is the Coven. They runt the Coven, create the laws, vote on what's going on. They are the teachers of the Outer Circle students.

These people will worship skyclad together whenever they feel its neasasary without a second though. They will help one another without a second though. They are always there for one another.

Are all inner circle like this, no. For some reason or another, Covens will form without having perfect love perfect trust and they are weaker for it.


The about s just one kind of Coven and much is based on Dragon Palm. Some Covens do not have an Outer Circle and when you become a student of the Coven you must join. Some are in traditions that give you laws and rules and the only way you can form your own Coven with the Trad is to hive off another existing Coven. Some are more social clubs than religious organizations.


  1. Are they recruiting members right and left? This is not a good sign. They are taking in everyone and not really caring much about who.
  2. It cost to join! We are not taking about dues or donations to help but the needed items for rituals, but when you must pay a fee to join that is beyond what it is costing them to have you join. (If each Covener wears the same Gram, they you will be expected to buy the Gram or pay the Coven for it, if the Gram sell for $19.95 at the local New Age store and hte Coven says you must buy it form them for $50.00 - keep walking.
  3. You are told you must do something you don't want to do. This is a case where there may be nothjing wrong with the Coven, but it is not for you. Many Covens expect their members to worship skyclad, if not all the time, for special worship. If you would not feel comfortable skyclad, make sure that the Coven doesn't do it, of if they do , would you have to join in.
  4. The HPS/HP rules the Coven with an Iron Fist. What they say is LAW and you MUST do what ever they say. In most Covens the HPS/HP is the religious leader and leaders of business meetings. When ever they are the outright leaders of the Coven they are elected and elections are held yearly or when the Coven feels they need a change in leadership. In these, Covens each member has as much say as any other in the running of the Coven.
  5. You must have sex with the HPS/HP to join. Now there are a few Covens like this, but unless you meet them first and feel the same way they do about sex beware (The true Covens like this do not want you, if this isn't your cup of tea). If you are young and you are approached about joining a Coven - BEWARE - First you must seek out most Covens and second most Covens will only let adults join. There are many weird people out there. Anyone can read a few books about Wicca and act as though they now what they are talking about. Moreover, Sex against you will is RAPE (Doesn't matter if you are a man or woman). If you are underage and are told to have sex with an adult, even if its sounds OK to you, it's still RAPE! This is against the REDE.

When looking for a Coven, find out as much as you can of what they will expect from you. Be forward with what you are looking for in a Coven. See if you can attend a ritual before becoming a member. See if they have an outer circle you can be part of for a while to see if you can work with them. If you don't want to be skyclad, make sure you let them know. You may also let them know you view s about sex. (Less and less Covens are doing the GREAT RITE, but it is still part of Wicca, and some Covens expect it of their third degrees.) The more you find out in the beginning the better off you are. Most Covens because you are seeking to join them do not give you a lot of information; you are the one who must give the information. Don't be upset when a Coven tells you, you wouldn't fit in. It means that from what you have told them, they know that there were be conflict between you and the rest of the Coven. They may or may not tell you why.

Don't give up if you are rejected by several Covens, this has nothing to do with you as a Witch. It just means they don't feel that you would fit in their Coven. And if they feel that way, would you really want to be part of it.


This I can not talk enough about. It is the most important thing. Being part of a Coven like this is wonderful. Now this doesn't mean you don't fight, you will and like dogs and cats, but it always ends in a hug. And when you are fighting, the gods help anyone who is an outsider that tries to jump in and take a side. (They will find both of you on them) How will you know if you find it, don't worry, you will.


Sometimes you can not find a Coven. This may be the time to form your own. Some thins to think about are:

  1. Once formed it is not YOUR Coven
  2. Do you have people to start the core group?
  3. How will you form your compact?
  4. How will you determine who will be in charge?
  5. How will you go about finding people for your Coven?
  6. Are you ready to start a Coven?

Some of the questions sound silly or easy, but before starting a Coven you should have some idea of what you want and the type of people you want in it. Sometimes a study group will turn into a Coven, other times a group of Witches who meet together for Sabbat will decide they should form into a Coven. As with joining a Coven, be very careful in forming one. Beware of people who are not what they say.

Class Discussion: Teaching Covens, Why perfect love, perfect trust and are Covendoms out dated.


  1. What is a Coven?
  2. What is the tradition size of a Coven?
  3. What is a High Priest or High Priestess?
  4. What is a Covenstead?
  5. What is a Covendom?
  6. What is the original meaning of a Coven?
  7. What does Hive Off mean?
  8. What is a working pair?
  9. What is banishment?

Next Weeks Assignment:

Read pages 55 - 63 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (82 - 92 2nd ed.)

Read pages 119 - 132 To Ride A Silver Broom

Week 16 - Rituals part 1

Types of rituals


Rituals are one of the major parts of Wicca - how we worship. There are many different kinds of rituals, but they have one thing in common, they are done within the circle. Whenever you do ritual you must construct a place of worship and this is done by creating the Circle.

Rituals by yourself:

The books will give you many rituals you can perform solo. What really needs to be in these rituals? You and the Goddess and the God. Plan what you want to do, and do it. It can be anything from a very complex ritual with tools, candles, and anything else you can think of or it can just be you - talking to the Goddess.

Adapting rituals for your use:

When you first start using rituals you will find many that you want to use, but!! The "but" being there are things that just don't fit what you want to do or the amount of people that are going to be in the ritual. If the ritual is going to be a Sabbat, read up on what the Sabbat is about. Then look at rituals written by others for that Sabbat. Knowing the people that are going to be present, start adapting the ritual to fit your needs. At first you will just rewrite an existing ritual, latter when you get better at it you will take things you like from other rituals and incorporate them into your own rituals. Just make sure when you write out a ritual that you make sure to credit where you got your information.


It is the Full Moon or a New Moon and we are going to do our monthly ritual. This ritual is called an Esbat. What is it? It has several functions and the main one is the one most think less about. It is the Covens business meeting. This is where all-important decisions are made. This is were voting takes place. This is when new information is given out (even when everyone already knows the information - this makes it legal). Now if there is a lot of business, you might want to use another night to go over the business so when it comes up for a vote there is not a lot of debate. Because of this, the Esbat should be on either the New Moon or the Full Moon and the same one month after month. And if for any reason the Esbat is held the nearest Saturday to the Moon, this should be common knowledge. This way when something becomes law, a Covener can't say it was voted on without him knowing about it - as it is his responsibility to make it to the Esbat.

Since they are held on either the Full or New Moon, they are a great time for Magick! Most Magick can be performed at either of these Moons. (If its held on a weekend - check your Moon phase - more about this when we get to our section on Magick)

And this is the time of inviting in the Goddess with the Drawing Down of the Moon. She will speak to the Coven through the HPS or another Covener. (She picks who she wants to speak through.)

The order for an Esbat is:

  1. Creating the sacred space
  2. Drawing Down the Moon
  3. Blessings
  4. Magick
  5. Business
  6. Cakes and Ale
  7. Taking Down the sacred space

There is much more that is included in the Esbat ritual, and can be plugged in anywhere between creating the sacred space and cakes and ale. Does anyone not see the reasons for this order: If there is no Magick it can be removed - the same with business - as the only business of the month may be the Coven getting together.

Class Discussion: Adapting rituals for your use. What should be done at an Esbat?


  1. What is another name for a book of rituals?
  2. What do the four directions stand for?
  3. What is an Esbat?
  4. What is a Sabbat?
  5. What is the basic outline of a circle?
  6. Why not use rituals written by someone else?


Read pages 111 - 118 Ride a Silver Broom


Week 17 - Book of Shadows

The Witches book

What is the most important book that a Witch can have?

What is the most important tool that a Witch can have?

The answer to both questions is the same, their Book Of Shadows. This is their bible. It should have all the information they need in it. Where do you buy this book, you ask or which one should I buy, since there are several on the market. This is not a book to buy, it is a book to create.

How do I create a Book Of Shadows? This is where it can get fun. In some Trads once you become a member of a Coven you are shown the Coven Book Of Shadows, which you must hand copy into your Book Of Shadows. You are also told the lineage of the Book, usually going all the way back to the founder of the Trad. Knowing the lineage will help you if you join another Coven within the Trad that has a Book with another lineage.

What if you are not part of a Trad that does this, where does it come from? It comes from YOU> If you are in a ritual, place it in your BOS. If copies are given out use them or make a copy of it. Or at worse write it as you remember it. You are writing this for you, so don't worry about how other people view it, just make sure you can redo the ritual that what you have written. Within time, you will have many different rituals from many different events. You can and should place in it rituals that you write yourself, make sure you note if you have done it or not.

The same thing with any spells you do. Put a copy of them in here and have a note if they worked or not, and if they didn't why you feel they didn't. Again the spell can be written by you or it can be a spell written for the group to do.

One thing it is not is a spell collectable book. You don't go on the Internet finding spells to fill your BOS. Besides being a waste of time, it makes your BOS into something cheap. This doesn't mean if you see a spell you really like leaving it out, put it in and make a note of who wrote and where you found it.

***Every so often, you will see on a mailing list a post of someone is upset, they lost their BOS. The reason they are upset is all the spells in it that they copies off the Internet and all the time it's going to take to looking them back up! My message to them is, take the hint, start over and this time make it YOU not a stranger that writes the spells****

Another thing you will want in your BOS and that is the Laws. Now this will very from person to person. All should have the REDE and the Law of Three, but beyond this, it will very from person to person. There are many laws within Wicca, but besides the REDE and Law of Three, not all of them are followed by everyone. There are also laws governing Magick. Make sure you find which ones you feel that you are going to follow and include it in your BOS. Don't put a law in, if you are not going to follow it, just because you found it and it says its a Wiccan law.

Now you can also have poems and recipes in your BOS. Information on Herbs, Stones, Color, Moon Phases, inscents, candles and so on. You can have information on who to make tools, robes, jewelry, brews, candles and so on. Anything you feel you may need if it was the only book you had. You can have your history as a Witch or of your Coven. Information on dreams. As you can see, there can be a lot of information in it. Include drawings and photos. Whenever you get something from an outside, source and you know what it is, make a note of it.

From your reading, you can see there are more than just the BOS you have that you write yourself. You can have your dream journal and a personal journal or it can all be put into your BOS.

One last thing, Don't make it into a game. It is not to see who can get the most into a BOS. Make it into your most important tool. Something you will grab for when you planning on doing something, It has spell that you have worked for you in the past in it. It has the information that you need.

Discussion: Types of Books Of Shadows, what goes into a Book Of Shadows, and why is the Book Of Shadow so important to a Witch.


  1. What is a personal Journal?
  2. What is a dream journal?
  3. What is a Book Of Shadows?


Read pages 7 - 1 02 Witches Bible part 2.

Week 18 - Rituals part 2

More on rituals

Writing a Ritual

You are in a Coven and they tell you to write the ritual for the next Sabbat. What do you do? You can't say forget it. You could ask that someone else do it, but you don't.

The first thing you do is pull out your BOS. Is there a ritual in there for the next Sabbat, AH YES, there is, you quickly copy it and you are finished! NO!! You read over it. Will it work with this group? Next, you read up on the Sabbat. Now you know what the Sabbat is about. What do you think needs to be said by the ritual? Now check a book or two and read the rituals they have for the Sabbat. You are now ready to start. Let's say for the sake of this lesson, this is your first time writing a ritual that's going to be performed. First make an outline of what you want done and in what order it should be done. Now that you have the bones, you need to add the flesh. Being a Sabbat, you are going to want a mystery play of some kind. Do you have enough people in the Coven to take parts and act out a small play, or would it be better to just have one or a few people tell a story relating to the Sabbat. Then, are there any games or songs that go along with the Sabbat> If so figure out where you want to put them.

Now that you have the flesh on it, its time to clothe it. Is there anything needed that is not part of the normal circle setup? Any props needed. Special blessing oils. What color candles, what flavor incents? Plan all this out, so that when you are doing the ritual something will not come up missing.

Pros and cons of pre-casting a ritual

When you are planning a ritual, it is always nice to have an idea of how many people are going to be there. It is even better to know who is going to be there. Then you can write the ritual with HouseFLy doing a certain part that only he can do. However, the day of the ritual comes, and HouseFLy has the Flu and can't make it. You wrote the part in such a way that ONLY HouseFLy could do it! Because of this, it is nice to write with someone in mind, but have it written so you can replace the person if they don't show. If there are going to be 13 people and you write it for 13 have some of the parts that can be doubled up with out problems. And having a few extra parts that can be doubled helps if 14 shows up.


If you have a ritual that you like, and the Coven likes, it can be used repeatedly. These rituals usually have no set amount of people needed and do not need any certain person. An Esbat can become just an outline ritual; it's done every month the same, with just changes in the Magick and the business. Inserting new members when needed.

Because of this, some BOS will have one ritual per Sabbat, one for Full Moon Esbat, New Moon Esbat, and special occasions. While others will have several for each event.

Class Discussion: How to write a ritual. Give an outline for a Sabbat ritual.


  1. What are the difference between a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree Witch?
  2. What are the two basic purposes of consecrating tools?
  3. How do you consecrate Salt and Water?
  4. What is a Cone of power?
  5. What is Drawing Down the Sun?

Next week assignments

Read pages 67 - 74 of Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft. (Pages 97 - 105 2nd edition)

Week 19 - Major Sabbats

The high holidays

The four major Sabbats are Imbolg, Bealtaine, Lughnasadh and Samhain. Why are these Major Sabbats and the others Minor Sabbats? Are these more important? No, these were just done earlier. They have all had many different names - but they were all very important and mark the beginning of a season. Imbolg the beginning of Spring, Bealtaine the beginning of Summer, Lughnasadh the beginning of Fall and Samhain the beginning of Winter.

In the next four weeks, we will cover each of the four Sabbats. The book will let you know some information, we will let you know other information - and you should try to find out some on your own also.

Note to teachers: When covering the Sabbats bring in personal knowledge of rituals you have been in for the class discussion.

Class Discussion: The Major Sabbats and their place on the Wheel of the Year.


  1. What are the Major Sabbats?
  2. Why are they Major Sabbats?
  3. Name the Major Sabbats?

Next Weeks Assignment:

Read pages 88 - 93 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (125 - 131 R. Ed.)

Week 20 - Minor Sabbaths

The longest, shortest, and equal days

The minor Sabbaths you will notice are the modern change of the seasons. They are also the equinoxes and solaces.  They came in latter when man started watching the stars more and seeing seasonal changes in them and that the days were equal on certain days of the year and longer and shorter on others.  Many modern Christen holidays follow the minor Sabbaths.  Minor is used because they came second and to the early man were minor to the others, but today - all the Sabbaths are equal.

Class Discussion: Which came first, the Major or Minor Sabbaths? We are at the mid-point of the 101 course. Reflect back on what you know now that you didn't know at the start of the course. Second Book Review is now due.


  1. What are the Minor Sabbaths?
  2. Are Major Sabbaths more important than Minor Sabbaths?

Next weeks assignment:

Read pages 80 - 92, 121 - 136 of the Witches Bible part 1


Week 21 - Samhain / Beltane

(sow-in) (b'y ol - tinnuh) (b'yal-ten)


From the Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Samhain is the first day of winter in the old Celtic year, making the end of one season and the decline of daylight. It is the beginning of the year in many Wiccan Traditions, as well as the festival of the dead. Samhain was originally a Druidic festival celebrated on the Eve of November."

This is the one Sabbat that Dragon Palm Circle celebrates on the correct night. It is a time when the vail is thin and being from the other side can cross over into your circle. It is a time when you are visited by the departed. It can be a wonderful time. A normal Samhain at Dragon Palm goes something like this:

Dark - Kids go out Trick or Treating and other Halloween things.

9:00 - Feast of the Dead - Our feast is not dumb as some trads do, as we have members who could not keep quite for an entire dinner. We do set a place for the dead.

10:00 - we start clean up and set up. The kitchen is cleaned up after the feast and the ritual area outside is set up for the coming ritual.

Sometimes before midnight we will cast circle - do a small ritual and then sit around and visit with the departed.


From the Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Beltane/ Roodmas is an ancient Celtic celebration of the return of life and fertility to a world that has passed through the winter season. It is the third of the four great Celtic Fire festivals of the year: Beltane, Imbolc, Lughnasahd, and Samhain. Beltane was traditionally celebrated at the end of April. In modern Wicca/Witchcraft many Traditions celebrate Beltane on May 1 or May Eve. Along with it's counterpart of Samhain, Beltane divided the Celtic year into its two primary seasons, winter and summer. Beltane marked the beginning of summer's half and the pastoral growing season."

Beltane - a time for bale-fires and Greenwood marriages... Today at Dragon Palm, we have the Maypole as one of the centerpieces in our Beltane celebration. Our Maypole is the trunk of our Yule tree. We have a lot of fun with Beltane with dancing and jumping the fire. (Usually a candle in a small cauldron)

Class Discussion: Origins of Samhain and why we celebrate Samhain. Maypole Dance, Greenwood marriages, and the last spring Sabbat.

QuestionS Samhain:

  1. What is the date of Samhain?
  2. What is a pooka?
  3. What is one of the main things Samhain is known for?
  4. What are some of the other names of Samhain?

Questions Beltane:

  1. What is the date of Beltane?
  2. What is a Bel-fire?
  3. Modern name of Beltane?

Next Week Assignment:

Read pages 61 - 71, 102 - 115 Witches Bible part 1

Week 22 - Imbolc / Lughnasadh

(I m mol'g) (IOO - nus - uh)


From the Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Imbolc / Imbolg is the Old Irish name for an ancient Celtic festival occurring at the beginning of February. Imbolc was the second of the four great fire festivals of Celtic religion and under Christian influence was known as Candlemas. From early times Imbolc was associated with the fire goddess Brighid, and celebrated the approach of spring and the promise of renewal. In many Wiccan Traditions this festival is observed on February 2."

This is a time of lighting candles. The mystery play we use has the Goddess as Mother, Maiden, and Crone. And the Mother wears a crown of candles. We have had more than one problem with this.

Class Discussion: Imbolg, first of the spring sabbats.


  1. What is the Christianized name for Imbolg?
  2. What is the date of Imbolg?
  3. Who is Brid?


From the Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Lughnasadh / Lammas was the first in the trilogy of harvest festivals in ancient Celtic culture. It marked the beginning of the harvest season, and the decline of summer into winter. It was also known as Lammas from the Saxon word Hlaf-mass, the Feast of Bread. Festivities and rituals typically centered around the assurance of a bountiful harvest season and the celebration of the harvest cycle. Connected to Lammas was the gathering of bilberries, an ancient practice symbolizing the fruitfulness of the Lughnasadh rituals. If the bilberries were bountiful, it was a sign that there would likewise be a plentiful harvest.

Lughnasadh was associated with the Irish god known as Lugh, the God of All Skills, the "Bright or Shining One." Funerary games incorporating athletic prowess were conducted in honor of Lugh during the festival. They were said to be in memory of Lugh's foster mother, Tailtiu, who died while preparing the fields for the planting."

Since grain is so much a part of this, it is a time of one of the Wiccan Mysteries. A staff of wheat. The wheat represents the circle of life. On Lughnasadh look at the wheat and see if you can understand this.

Class Discussion: Lughnasadh, the first of the fall Sabbaths.


  1. What date is Lughnasadh on?
  2. Another name for Lughnasadh
  3. Who was Lugh?
  4. Lughnasadh is the autumn parallel to what spring Sabbath.

Next Weeks Assignment:

Read pages 72 - 79, 93 - 101 Witches Bible part 1

Week 23 - Ostara/ Midsummer

The Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice


From the Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Ostara is the Scandinavian goddess of spring who symbolized the rebirth of Nature. During her festival, it was the Pagan custom to exchange colored eggs as symbols of renewal. Her sacred animal was the hare. Many modern Wiccans point to the festival of Ostara as the origins of the various aspects of the Easter celebration. In some modern traditions of Wicca/Witchcraft, the festival of the Spring Equinox is called Ostara. A form of this goddess name appears in such early Christian works as the De Temporum Ratione under the title "Eostre" (Ostre), who was the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. In this text, we find a connection between the German word Ostern, denoting an Eastern orientation, and the word "Easter."

Thus the related goddess Ostre (Ostara) can be seen as a goddess of the East and therefore of the dawn. Modern Easter celebrations include a sunrise ceremony symbolic of the resurrection from death symbolized by the dawn. As the goddess of the East, Eostre was worshipped at this quarter of rebirth as the maiden aspect of Triformis, the Three-fold Goddess."

Ostara is one of the sabbats that have some Pagans wondering how to handle it. It is the second Spring Sabbat and it is celebrated with color eggs and rabbits.  It about the return of the SUN GOD.  Traditionally it was a holiday that had a sunrise ritual as part of it.  Some Pagans feel that this is too much like Easter and we shouldn't celebrate it this way. Well let see the eggs and rabbits (or hares) can be traced to the Pagan rituals of this time - what do they have to do with the Christian Easter - in fact why is Easter celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox?  The early Christians wanted the celebration of the "Son of God" return to be around the time of the   Sun Gods return, but they didn't want it on the same date, nor did they want it on a full moon.  It made it easier to convert early Pagans to this very similar holiday.   We should celebrate it very much like Easter in many ways - with all the eggs and bunnies out, this part is easy to come upon.  Flowers should be on the altar and this is also a fertility festival - a time for the Great Rite. (The Witches Bible tells of a symbolic way of doing the Great Rite)

At Dragon Palm Circle we use a story about a young rabbit, the Maiden Goddess, and the young Sun King by D.J. Conway. It's a children story, but then are we not all children of the Goddess.

Class Discussion: Ostara - night is equal to day - the sun is reborn. Compare Ostara to the Christian holiday.


  1. What Christian holiday is a reworking of Ostara and when does it happen in relation to Ostara?
  2. Eggs were originally from what animal?


From the Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year and is an important festival occasion in Wicca/Witchcraft. In northern European lore, the summer solstice marks the battle between the Oak King and the Holly King, figures representing the waxing and waning forces of Nature. On the day of the Summer Solstice the Holly, King defeats his brother, the Oak King. Even though this is the longest day of the year, the days begin to grow shorter from this time forward."

Ah, the summer Sabbat.  We always try to start this early in the day - an old fashioned cookout. And after dark we end the holiday with a Ritual and within the Ritual will be the fight between The Oak King and The Holly King. A fight that will be fought every Midsummer and every Yule.  We have had the rituals from time to time during the day and they work fine this way also.  A nice fire in the evening to sit around and to jump.   Remember that this day is the longest day of the year.

Class Discussion: The longest day of the year


  1. The importance of the Oak King and the Holly King.
  2. What is in the Cauldron on MidSummer?

Next Weeks Assignment:

Read pages 116 - 120, 137 - 150 of the Witches Bible part 1


Week 23 - Mabon / Yule

Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice


From the Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"The Autumn Equinox is a ritual occasion marking the beginning of the fall season, a day when the periods of day and night are of equal length. In mainstream Wiccan mythology, the Autumn Equinox marks the time of the Descent of the Goddess into the Underworld. With Her departure, we see the decline of Nature and the coming of winter. This is a classic ancient mythos also reflected in the Sumerian myth of Inanna and the ancient Greek and Roman legends of Demeter and Persephone.

In modern Celtic Wicca/Witchcraft, the Autumn Equinox also bids farewell to the Harvest Lord who in the mythos of some Traditions was slain at the time of Lughnasadh. Many modern Wiccans refer to the Autumn Equinox as Mabon, named for a legendary Celtic figure that was abducted and imprisoned in the basement of dungeon of an enchanted castle. Through this mythos, modern Celtic Witches have established a connection to the traditional Underworld association connected with the Autumn Equinox."

The second Harvest Sabbat - Harvest Home... This is the time to reveal the second of the Wiccan Mysteries. This time it is an Apple.  You take two apples and cut them in half - one vertically and the other horizontally.  The one horizontally will reveal the five pointed star and the one vertically it shows the female genitalia!! No wonder the early Christians considered this the fruit that Eve ate in the garden!

Class Discussion: The Middle Harvest Fest.


  1. What is the bird of the Equinox?
  2. What harvest is Mabon?


From the Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year. In most Wiccan/Witchcraft traditions, the theme of the Winter Solstice is linked to the rebirth/renewal of the sun. This is often personified as the Child of Promise. In the ancient mythos, the sun god is born at the Winter Solstice and dies at the time of the harvest season.

In many traditions of northern, Europe this is day is associated with the myth of the Holly King who is slain by his brother the Oak King. From this point on the days, become longer as the Wheel of the Year turns toward summer. In the traditional Wiccan mythos, the new sun god is born at the Winter Solstice. The period of the Winter Solstice is also known as Yule. Its symbols include the holly and the pine, the latter representing the evergreen that itself symbolizes the undying light of the sun. It has long been the custom to decorate a sacred tree at this time, an ancient custom recalling a time when Divinity was believed to dwell in trees."

A time for the Yule tree and presents.  A time for friends and family to get together and rejoice over the coming season.   This is the time of the rebirth of the Sun God.  It is also the time for endless fight between the Holly King and the Oak King.  Again, we can see things that are now part of the Christen Holiday Christmas.  Again because of this, some Witches don't want to celebrate it the way it should be.  But again the pagan ways predate the Christens. Again, a Christen holiday was placed at the time of several major  pagan holidays.

At Dragon Palm, we celebrate the season.  We start at Yule - we decorate the tree - then the ones cooking will go in and finish cooking as the rest finish the tree - we then have our feast - next the ritual with fight between the Holly King and the Oak King. Then we give out presents to all.  Then we hold a small ritual each night giving a different person to run each ritual.  On Christmas, we hold a potluck dinner for all that have no Christen relatives they have to go to and attend (usually following a movie).  We have a new years eve party on NYE (Yes Samhain is our religious New Year, but we also celebrate the changing of the dates) and on New Years Day we have the Tree Ritual in which we take down the tree and then we cut off all the limbs of the tree which are used in the fires of each of the Sabbats, the tree trunk is now saved to Bealtaine and used as the May Pole and is then cut up to used as the Yule log the next year.

Class Discussion: The Robin Hood aspect in Yule. Why is the Winter Solstice such a popular holiday?


  1. What aspect is the Goddess?
  2. Who in Christianity undid Jesus treatment of Women
  3. Who are the Oak King and the Holly King

Assignment Next Week:

Get ready for Midterm review


Week 25 - Review for Midterm

Time to ask questions and update BOS

Class Discussion: Questions on the first 24 weeks


Next Weeks Assignment:

Get ready for Midterm

Week 26 - Midterm

(Note to Teacher: cut and paste the exam)

Dragon Palm Circle

Wicca 101

Mid-term Exam

Instructions: Most of this test will be essay - many of the questions can have more than one answer - answer in your own words, don't try and give us what you think we are looking for - give us what you think. Some questions may be about things we have not gone over, but you have been exposed to in one way or another.

Essay Questions:

  1. What do you think is the origin of Witchcraft and why?
  2. What does the Wiccan Rede mean to you?
  3. What are the four quarters and what do they mean?
  4. What is Witchcraft?
  5. What is Wicca?
  6. Why do some Witches spell MAGIC with a K (Magick)?
  7. Name four people you feel is or was important to the Craft and why.
  8. Explain: The Law of Three.
  9. Name the eight Sabbats and tell something about each one.
  10. What do you consider should be the most important thing to a Witch?

True or False - and tell why.

  1. King James the first of Great Britain loved Witches.
  2. The Malleus Maleficarum is a book of Spells.
  3. Gerald Gardner wrote the book "Witchcraft Today".
  4. Skyclad means clad only in the sky.
  5. This is Theban.
  6. It is OK to do Magick with out casting a circle.
  7. Silver RavenWolf is the founder of Dianic Wicca
  8. A white candle is for the Goddess and a black candle is for the God.

Now write down at least one question you would like to know the answer to.

The final exam has over 100 questions - it can be oral or written - which way do you think is best and why.

Don't forget book reports - each of you should have done two by now - if not, and you have read them - list the book and a small comment on it.

Next Weeks Assignment:

We will go over the Midterm

Week 27 - Midterm Conferences

How well did they do?

This week should be divided up between having a group talk about the midterm and an elder and each student should talk about what they want in the next six months. If you are the only elder at the time you may want to set up either another meeting time for each student or a time when you can talk on the phone about the coming six months.

Assignment Next Week:

Read pages 79 - 85 in Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft ( 111 - 117 R. Ed.) 61 - 74 Ride a Silver broomstick.

Week 28 - Meditation


There are many uses of Meditation from getting ready for a Ritual to relaxing your mind to sleep. In the books, you have covered many forms of it. At Dragon Palm, we use Meditation as part of Drawing Down the Moon. This is to get the HPS ready to be a vessel for the Goddess. It works find.

Class Discussion and activity: Meditate for ten minutes, then tell what you did and what you felt. Talk about different types of Meditation and Self Worth.


  1. Name the Chakras.
  2. When should you meditate?
  3. What is an affirmation?

Assignment next week:

Read pages 84 - 88 Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft (pages 117 - 125)

Week 29 - Dreams

What you Dream about

What does this Dream mean? Well it could be just a dream - entertainment for the mind while you are asleep. Or it could be telling you something that is coming. It may come right out and tell you or it may use symbols. Sometimes it's very hard to tell when it's symbols or when it right out in your face. Sometimes when they are telling you something they repeat until you understand or the event comes to past.

You don't always have to be asleep to dream. Many times when the Goddess or the God wants to give us information it's in a form of a dream and it may come when you are awake.

When you get these dreams it is a good idea to write them down while you can still remember them. Usually you can tell a recreation dream from one that means something, but not always. Writing it down may help you in figuring out rather or not it has a meaning or not.

Don't dismiss awake dreams as just an over active imagination. This can be the time you get your most important dreams. Write them down, so you can look them over and see what the meaning is.

Class Discussion: Types of dreams you have had.


  1. What is a dream?
  2. What universal symbol does the apple stand for?
  3. What should you do to help remember dreams?
  4. What does a repeated dream mean?
  5. What is a group dream?

Next weeks assignment:

Read pages38 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (51 - 56 R. Ed.)

Week 30 - Theban

The Witches Alphabet

Why Theban

During the early days of Modern Witchcraft (1950 - present) many Witches didn't want others to read their Book of Shadows, a Magickal alphabet was needed and Theban became that alphabet. It became the language of the Witch. Notes between Witches were written in Theban. Anything that a Witch didn't want an outsider to read was written with this alphabet. Why didn't they just use Runes? Runes were much easier to get a hold of.

Theban Today

If you want we can still write our BOS in Theban, but the alphabet is printed in man books and fonts can be found on the Internet, so much for it being secret. So why hasn't it become a footnote to Witchcraft history, why do we still need it? It can and is used in spell craft. In many spells you need to write something on a candle or on paper, doing it in Theban helps put more of you into the spell, as you must concentrate to translate to Theban (even if you are copying it from a book).

Try Writing in Theban

When writing in Theban use the version in Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft and not the font. Make yourself a translation card and put a translation page in your BOS. You can also do writing on your Athame or Wand using Theban.


A = A B = B C = C D = D E = E F = F G = G H = H I = I J = J

K = K L = L M = M N = N O = O P = P Q = Q R = R S = S T = T

U = U V = V W = W X = X Y = Y Z = Z

The above is the font version of Theban. The font can be downloaded from the file section of either the Dragon Palm list or the Dragon Palm 101 list. Use this for translating type written Theban.

Class Discussion: Reasons for Theban.


  5. THE WIccan REDE

Next weeks Assignment:

Read page 97 - 101 of Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (137 - 142 R. Ed.)

Week 31 - Marriage, Birth, and Death

Rites of Passage

The Rites of Passage:

HANDFASTING: There are two types of Handfasting - "Year and A Day" and "As Long As Love Last".   The first is just within the religion.   It was also known at one time as Greenwood Marriages. Children born under this type of marriage were the responsibility of the village if the Marriage was not renewed to one "As Long as Love Last"  Today this type of Marriage would be considered as a trail marriage and should not be taken lightly.  At the end of the Marriage, they should return to the HP and HPS that did the handfasting and do another handfasting or a Handparting.

The "As Long As Love Last" handfasting is looked on two ways.   One is that the couple will stay married as long as they love one another and then they will get a Handparting and go there separate ways as friends taking care of all things that happened during the marriage. (Many HP and HPS are Ordained Ministers and can perform legal handfastings, but can not perform legal Handparting).  Others look at this as they will be together in many life times and will always find themselves.   Hopefully all handfasting will be the last type.

WICCANING: This is a ritual in which the parents take an Oath that the children will be raised with Love and care.  That the children will be raised within the religion but will always be exposed to other religions, so that when they come of age, they will be able to choose their own path.

CROSSING OVER: This is a time of letting go.  We all know that the   person who crossed over is in a happier place, this doesn't always help the ones left behind.  This can be anything from a good wake to a personal conversation of a love one with the departed.

Class Discussion:

  1. There are several different types of handfastings, what are they and how are they different.
  2. How do parents pledge to raise their children in a Wiccaning?


  1. What is the Wiccan word for marriage?
  2. What is the main difference between a Wiccan and Christian marriage?
  3. What is a hand parting?
  4. What is a Wiccaning?
  5. What is crossing the bridge?

Assignment Next Week:

Read Pages 101 - 107 of Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft. (Pages 142 - 152 2nd Edition)

Week 32 - Channeling


Some people who channel have control and others do not.  Most of the people I know who channel do not have control.  In Wicca the most common form of channeling is "Calling Down the Moon" - in which the HPS invites the Goddess to take over her body.  I have seen this done in several different ways - most commons is that the Goddess will relate to the HPS some information that she is to pass on to the Coven.  Then their are times when the Goddess takes control of the HPS and gives out the information herself.  One of the most interesting times was when a two-year-old girl was taken over - the little girl was fussy and wanted the attention of the HPS and was killing the mood.  The HPS picked up the girl and at that moment she changed - she asked for my wand and when it was given to her, had the HPS carry her around to each person and blessed them.  She then returned the wand, got down from the HPS, and was once again a two-year-old.

The TV show, Crossing Over with John Edward's, is a good look at channeling.    The way he acts is the normal way it is when people who passed over want to leave a message to someone on this side.  They will not come right out and say what they want; they give hints and clues.  I think this is to make sure that the person on this side getting the information is the right person.

How can you channel - open yourself up... welcome the sprits to speak via you.   Some people who will not be able to channel because of one thing or another and others have a hard time not channeling.

Class Discussion: Demonstration of channeling and pendulum.


  1. What are the two general categories of channeling?
  2. What are the three types of trances?
  3. How do you use a Pendulum?
  4. What is Psychomety?
  5. What is sensory deprivation?
  6. What is a Witches cradle?

Assignment for Next Week:

Read Pages 227 - 256 To Ride A Silver Broomstick.

Week 33 - Channeling, Astral Travel, Past Lives.

The Astral Plane

All these things are possible, but as with channeling not all people can experience them. I have a problem with Astral travel - on this plane, I have motion sickness and I carry this to the Astral. Some people say this isn't possible, but I've experienced it.

There are several tapes and videos on the market to help you with both Astral travel and Past Lives.  This is something you may want to invest in.   (The investment in the audiotapes was less than $10.00 the last time I checked - they may have gone up by now).  Follow all the instructions given with the tapes. I've use Videotapes made for both and they both worked for most of the people in the room. (But not everyone).  If you try the tapes and they don't work for you - try to find someone who can lead you - it can be well worth while.

Class Discussion: How does body language help in reading people? What is the importance of Focus? With the use of a guide, try either a Past Life regression or Astral Travel. The guide may be either a person adept in this or a video or audiotape made for this purpose.


  1. What is Telepathy?
  2. What is empathy?
  3. What is the universal telephone line?
  4. What is Psychometry?

Next Weeks Assignment:

Read pages 111 - 131 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft. (Pages 157 - 182 2nd Edition)

Read pages 200 - 219 Witches Bible part 2.

Week 34 - Divination


From the Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Divination is the art of foretelling future events by various means. The most common methods employed today are astrology, tarot cards, palmistry, tealeaf reading, and casting runes. Old traditional methods included crystal gazing, magick mirrors, natural omens, and in ancient times the reading of animal entrails.

The theory behind divination is that everything that occurs in the physical world first appears in the astral world. It is the tides and currents of this spirit realm that the patterns of our lives, and the events affecting our world, take shape. By viewing the patterns that are forming in the astral material, one can project the likely outcome in the material world. Therefore, divination point out what is likely to occur if nothing changes the patterns. This gives an individual the chance to alter the patterns and thus avoid an unwanted outcome. It also allows an individual to continue in his or her manner so as not to alter patterns that manifest a desired outcome."

Class Discussion: Talk about different types of Divination. Do a reading - choice of divination.


  1. How many cards in a normal Tarot deck?
  2. What are the four suits in Tarot?
  3. What is Cheiromancy
  4. What is scrying?

Next weeks assignment:

Read pages 147 - 172 To Ride a Silver Broomstick

Week 35 - Tarot

The Cards

From the Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Tarot is a system of divination employing seventy-eight cards with pictures that incorporate various symbols. According to Professor Michael Dummett of Oxford University, and historians such as Thierry Depaulis, the tarot was invented in Italy during the fifteenth century. There are several fifteenth-century Italian decks that comprise the earliest known tarot cards. Italy has the honor of having produced several of the earliest-known decks that include the mystical and allegorical trump cards. Playing cards similar to the tarot appeared earlier in Barcelona, Spain and have been confused with the tarot by some researchers.

Some occult traditions claim that the tarot originated in Morocco around the year AD 1200. According to this oral tradition, occultists from many lands gathered and created a common set of symbols and images to preserve their teachings. These symbols were then merged with the Kabbalah, which served as the foundation upon which the structure of the tarot was built.

The traditional tarot deck contains fifty-six cards known as the minor Arcana, consisting of the suits: Wands, Cups, Pentacles, and Swords. Wands represent business and enterprises. Cups depict themes of love and relationships. Pentacles represent wealth and finances. Swords reflect themes of adversity, challenge, and strife. In addition, there are twenty-two major Arcana depicting larger themes in addition to those represented in the suit cards. The cards are laid out in formations known as spreads. Each position in the spread indicates a specific type of event. Each card has its own meaning and is read and interpreted in connection with where it lies in the spread."

Class Discussion: Is Tarot a gift or a skill. Do a Tarot reading. You will be given a card, tell what it means.


  1. Explain the following types of Divination.

    1. Cartomancy
    2. Scrying
    3. Dowsing
    4. Numerology
    5. Palmistry
    6. Runes
    7. Graphology
    8. Geomancy

  1. Give the meaning to the following cards of the Major Arcana.

  1. The Fool
  2. The Priestess
  3. The Chariot
  4. Justice
  5. The Devil/Pan
  6. The World.

Next weeks assignment:

Scrying - have your mirror.

Week 36 - Scrying

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

From the Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi

"Scrying is a word used to indicate the art of divination by magickal gazing. Scrying can be performed using a crystal ball or a dark liquid or dark glass surface. The latter is often referred to as a magick mirror."

From the Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

"The ancient art of clairvoyance achieved by concentrating upon an object - usually one with a shiny surface - until visions appear. Magicians and Witches of all ages have practiced scrying. The stereotypical version is the Gypsy woman fortune-teller, who gazes into a crystal ball in a dark room and sees her client's future.

The term scrying comes from the English word descry, which means ' to make out dimly' or 'to reveal.' The services of a scryer typically are sought for prediction of the future, answers to questions, solutions to problems and to help in finding lost objects and in identifying or tracking down criminals. In the Middle Ages, a typical scryer was a wise woman or wise man - perhaps also called a witch - who was naturally gifted with second sight."

Class Discussion: What are different items that can be used for Scrying.

Class Project: Take your scrying mirror and work with it.

Try other items for scrying like:

    1. Flame or fire or both
    2. Water in a pan or cauldron
    3. Crystal or crystal ball
    4. Shiny surface.

Makes notes on the differences.

Next week assignment:

Read pages 135 - 151 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (Pages 187 - 218 2nd Edition)

Week 37 - Herbalism

Magick and Medicine

In the craft, there are two very different uses for herbs   - one is for Magick and the other for healing.  Make sure you don't get them mixed up, as some of the herbs used for Magick can be deadly if ingested.  Also there are several fine books on the market for both uses. And should be in your library.   Anything you are planning on using should be in your Book of Shadows

Herbs by Lady Aurora Leilani


BOTANICALS 01 (an introduction to alternative food and medicine sources)

The medical uses listed in this course are from various home-remedy sources and worldwide lores. None of these botanicals have been tested or approved by the USFDA. While some of these herbs are medically approved elsewhere in the world, many are not. Most of these remedies have undergone little or no clinical trials. Therefore, any benefits and/or side-effects are unproven. I have attempted to list the chemical(s) in each plant that should cause the desired effect, possible interactions and side effects, and any nutritional information on the plant where ever possible. However, I must urge anyone interested in herbals to practice extreme caution whenever trying a new food or supplement for any reason. Reactions can be sudden and extreme.


1. Anyone with a serious medical condition; allergies, asthma, or hay fever; or taking any medications or alternate herbals should consult a qualified professional before trying ANYTHING new.

2. When switching from another herb or over-the-counter medicines always wait 2-3 days before starting something different. This gives your body time to rid itself of any last traces of the previous substance.

3. When buying whole plants for harvest, wait at least one full cycle new growth to occur before harvesting. Never eat the fruits, leaves, or flowers that are on the plant when you buy it. Most are sprayed with harmful chemicals either before shipping, or at the nursery.

4. When harvesting from the wild: Be 100% sure that you are picking what you think; there are many plant mimics, and some are poisonous. Never pick plants from roadsides or other highly polluted areas, some toxins may have been absorbed by the plant.

5. When buying pre-made remedies, always buy from a source you know and trust. If you are unsure of a particular store or brand name, ask someone you know for a recommendation. Check the label for dosage and DO NOT take more than recommended some things are safe only in small amounts. Look for warnings on the label, some brands do include these.

6. Never buy flowers for consumption from a florist or nursery, most have preservatives, dyes, etc. added.

Edible Flowers:


Anise Hyssop

Basil Blossoms





Chives Blossoms





English Daisy

Garlic Blossoms






Sugared Flowers

Here’s how to sugarcoat edible flowers to preserve and enhance them. Gently wash fresh edible flowers in water. Place on white paper towels and let air-dry or gently blot dry. Stir together 2 tablespoons water and 1 tablespoon thawed frozen egg product in a small bowl. Using a small, clean paintbrush, brush the egg mixture on each side of each petal in a thin, even layer. Sprinkle each flower evenly with sugar; shake to remove excess sugar. Let flowers dry on waxed paper for 2 to 4 hours. Store in an airtight container between layers of waxed paper for up to 4 weeks. For longer storage, freeze sugared flowers for up to 6 months.


Edible Flowers

Colorful Alternatives

Borage’s star-shape blossoms practically fall off the plant when they are ready to eat. They have a mild cucumber flavor that is delicious in lemonade.

Tulips have a wonderful crunch—especially at the base of the petals. The flavor ranges from pea- to bean like. Use tulip petals as a low-calorie substitute for chips with dip.

Pinks and other Dianthus have a sweet, clove like taste. Do not eat whole—remove individual petals. Infuse petals in water for tea, or top a cracker and cheese with several petals. Makes a delectable sorbet. ‘Tangerine Gem’ marigold and the other Gem hybrids are the only good-tasting marigolds, with a citrusy tarragon flavor. Use petals in deviled eggs. Lilacs are another variable flower, with a grassy taste or a delightful perfumed flavor. Use in chicken dishes and fruit salads.




Edible Flowers

Popular Options

Pansies span every color of the rainbow, so you can have fun decorating food. Plan a party months ahead and grow pansies to match your decor, best outfit, or favorite color. Their flavor is slightly minty. Nasturtiums may be vivid yellow, orange, or red as well as muted tones and bicolors. Both the leaves and the flowers have a peppery flavor and are best eaten uncooked. Toss petals into salads.

Roses may be tasteless, sweet, perfumed, or slightly spicy. Chop the petals and mix with sugar. Let them infuse for a week and use for baking and desserts.


Medical Terms

ABORTIFACIENT: Induces or causes premature expulsion of a fetus.

ACRID: Has a biting taste or causes heat and irritation when applied to the skin.

ADJUVANT: An herb used to aid the effect of a principal ingredient when added to a mixture.

ALTERATIVE: A vague term to indicate a substance, which alters a condition by producing a gradual change toward the restoration to health.

ANALGESIC: Relieves or diminishes pain; anodyne.

ANAPHRODISIAC: Reduces sexual desire or potency.

ANODYNE: Eases pain.

ANTACID: Neutralizes excess acid in the stomach and intestines.

ANTHELMINTIC: Expels or destroys intestinal worms.

ANTIABORTATIVE: Helps to inhibit abortive tendencies (help prevent miscarriages)

ANTIASTHMATICS: Relieves the symptoms of asthma.

ANTIBIOTIC: Destroys or arrests the growth of microorganisms.

ANTICATARRHAL: Eliminates or counteracts the formation of mucus.

ANTICOAGULANT: Prevents clotting in blood, or liquid.

ANTIDOTE: Agents, which counteract or destroy the effects of poison or other medicines.

ANTIEMETIC: Counteracts nausea and stops vomiting.

ANTIHISTAMINE: Stop or minimizes the body’s allergic reactions by blocking the body’s production and/or use of histamines.

ANTIHYDROTIC: Reduces or suppresses perspiration.

ANTILITHIC: Reduces or suppresses urinary stones and will dissolve existing stones and gravel.

ANTIPERIODIC: Counteracts periodic or intermittent diseases such as malaria.

ANTIPHLOGISTIC: Reduces inflammation.

ANTIPYRETIC: Prevents or reduces fever.

ANTISCORBUTIC: Counteracts scurvy.

ANTISCROFULOUS: Counteracts scrofula.

ANTISEPTIC: Destroys or inhibits bacteria.

ANTISPASMODIC: Prevents or allays spasms or cramps.

ANTITUSSIVE: Relieves coughing.

APHRODISIAC: Stimulates the sex organs.

APERIENT: Herbal agents that are mild laxatives to the intestines, being gentle in peristaltic action.

APPETIZER: Stimulates the appetite.

AROMATIC: Agents, which emit a fragrant smell and produce a pungent taste. Used chiefly to make other medicines more palatable.

ASTRINGENT: Causes contraction of tissues.

BALSAMIC: A healing or soothing agent.

BITTER TONIC: Bitter-tasting properties, which stimulate the flow of saliva and gastric juice. Used to increase the appetite and aid the process of digestion.

CARDIAC: Agents, which have an effect on the heart.

CARMINATIVE: Expels gas from the stomach, intestines or bowels.

CATHARTIC: Causes evacuation from the bowels. There are different types of cathartics. Aperient or laxatives are mild and gentle in their actions. Purgatives are powerful and produce copious evacuations and are used only by adults afflicted with stubborn conditions.

CAUSTIC: Acts as a laxative to empty the bowels.

CHOLAGOGUE: Increases the flow of bile and promotes its ejection.

CORDIAL: Invigorating and stimulating.

COUNTERIRRITANT: Agents applied to the skin to produce an irritation for the purpose of counteracting a deep inflammation.

CURATIVE: Healing.

DEMULCENT: Soothing, bland. Used to relieve internal inflammations. Provides a protective coating and allays irritation of the membranes.

DEODORANT: Destroys or masks odors.

DEPRESSANT: Eases nervousness or functional activity.

DEPURATIVE: A purifying agent.

DETERGENT: Cleansing.

DIGESTIVE: Aids digestion.

DIAPHORETICS: Herbal agents that increase eliminative secretions through the sweat glands, thus facilitation elimination of toxic and accumulative waste matter.

DISINFECTANT: Cleans infection by destroying or inhibiting harmful microorganisms.

DIURETICS: Herbal agents that promote secretions of the urinary system, increasing toxic elimination and accumulative matter along with excess water.

EMETICS: Herbal agents that cause evacuation of the stomach contents via induced vomiting and are usually anti-poisonous.

EMMENAGOGUES: Herbal agents that act upon the reproductive system by strengthening and balancing the cellular tissues by regulating the body’s hormonal flow.

EMOLLIENTS: Herbal agents that soothe and soften the external skin surfaces and promote healing by removing foreign toxic matter through absorption.

ERRHINE: Substances which, when applied to the lining membrane of nostrils, creates a discharge of mucous.

EUPHORIANT: Produces an abnormal sense of vigor and buoyancy.

EPISPASTICS: Causes blisters, when applied to the surface of the body, and causes sloughing.

EXANTHEMATOUS: Pertains to skin eruptions or skin diseases.

EXPECTORANTS: Herbal agents that act upon the mucosal membranes of the respiratory tract, facilitating catarrhal discharge, by rendering them less viscid.

FEBRIFUGE: Reduces fever.

GALACTAGOGUE: Promotes the secretion of milk from the nursing breast.

GERMICIDE: Destructive to germs.

HALLUCINOGEN: Produces hallucinations.

HEMOSTATIC: Capable of slowing down or stopping hemorrhage.

HEPATIC: Acts on the liver.

HYDRAGOGUE: Purgative that will produces large amounts of watery discharge.

HYPNOTIC: Capable of inducing sleep.

INVIGORANT: A strengthening agent.

IRRITANT: Capable of producing local inflammatory reaction.

LAXATIVE: Causes the bowels to act.

LITHOTRIPTIC: Help dissolve and eliminate urinary and biliary stones and gravel.

MUCILAGINOUS: Emits a soothing quality to inflamed parts.

NARCOTICS: Herbal agents that have a sedative effect by diminishing the action of the nervous system and vascular system.

NAUSEANT: Produces the tendency to vomit.

NEPHRITIC: Applies to diseases of the kidneys.

NERVINES: Herbal agents that regenerate the entire nervous system, having a calming effect, by altering deranged nervous tissues and neutralizing toxins, that cause irritation of the nerve fibers.


OXYTOCIC: Capable of producing uterine contractions

PALLIATIVE: Relieves or lessens symptoms without curing.

PECTORAL: Relieves affections of the chest and lungs.

POISON: Harmful, destructive, or fatal.

PROPHYLACTIC: Protects from disease; preventative.

PURGATIVE: Causes copious evacuations from the bowels. More drastic than laxatives or aperient, and are generally combined with other agents to control or modify their actions. Used only by adults.

REACTIVATOR: Restores to a state of activity.

REJUVENATOR: An agent, which imparts renewed vigor.

RUBEFACIENT: A substance used externally which causes redness and

Increased blood supply when rubbed into the skin.

RESTORATIVE: Restores consciousness or normal physical activity.

SEDATIVE: Calms the nerves.

SIALAGOGUES: Increases the flow of saliva.

SOPORIFIC: Induces sleep.

SPECIFIC: Agent or remedy that has a special effect on a particular disease.

STIMULANTS: Equalizes circulation and regenerates the tissues of the arterial system.

SUDORIFICS: Increases perspiration, thus facilitating the elimination of toxic waste through the skin.

STOMACHIC: Stimulate the flow of digestive secretions and increases the volume.

STYPTIC: Contracts the blood vessels and stops bleeding.

TENIAFUGE: Expels tapeworm.

TONICS: Tones the alimentive tract, thus correcting problems of the digestive system. Promotes regeneration of tissues throughout the body.

TOPICAL: Applied to the skin only.

VASOCONSTRICTOR: Narrows the blood vessels and raises blood pressure.

VERMIFUGES: Kills and/or expels parasites or worms.

VESICANT: Raises blisters.

VULNERARY: Tone and heal the muscular and skeletal systems and are often employed along with emollients as a poultice for external wounds.


Tears (or Sleep Sand) of a Hamadryas Baboon - Dill Juice

Blood of Hephaistos - Wormwood

Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon - Dill Seed

Semen of Hermes - Dill

Blood of Ares - Purslane

Blood From a Shoulder - Bear’s Breach

From the Loins - Chamomile

A Man’s Bile - Turnip Sap

A Pig’s Tail - Leopard’s Bane

Blood of Hestia - Chamomile

An Eagle - Wild Garlic

A Lion’s Hairs - Tongue of a Turnip (the leaves of the taproot)

Kronos’ Blood - Cedar Blood (sap)

Semen of Helios - White Hellebore

Blood of a Goose - A Mulberry Tree’s Milk (sap)

Semen of Herakles - Mustard Rocket

A Titan’s Blood - Wild Lettuce

Blood From a Head - Lupine

A Hawk’s Heart - Heart of Wormwood

Semen of Hephaistos - Fleabane

Semen of Ammon - House Leek

Semen of Ares - Clover

From the Belly - Earth Apple

From the Foot - House Leek


VITAMIN A (carotene): carrots, broccoli, beets, garlic, sweet potatoes, spinach, lamb’s-quarters,

dandelions, violet leaves, parsley, garden cress, butternut squash, hubbard squash, pumpkin, cantaloupe

VITAMIN B1 (thiamin): Dried beans, brown rice, nuts, sunflower seeds, millet, turnip greens,

dried peas, sesame seeds, soy beans

VITAMIN B2 (riboflavin): dried beans and peas, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, millet, collard greens, broccoli, amaranth, lamb’s-quarters, kidney bean sprouts

VITAMIN B3 (niacin): broccoli, tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, sunflower seeds, ginko nuts, wild rice, brown rice, dried beans, peas, collards, mushrooms, whole wheat, barley, oats

VITAMIN B6 (pyridoxine): carrots, lima beans, bananas, avocado, spinach, dried lentils and dried garbanzo beans, orange juice, brown rice, soybeans, kale, black-eyed peas, pigeon peas, potatoes (with

skins), sunflower seeds, peanuts, parsley, whole grains

BIOTIN: most fresh vegetables

CHOLINE: legumes, grains

FOLIC ACID: escarole, spinach, romaine, beans, legumes, seeds, nuts, oranges, avocado, asparagus

INOSITOL: fruits, vegetables, lima beans, peas

PABA: rice, molasses, whole grains

VITAMIN C: broccoli, berries, citrus, cantaloupe, kiwi, papaya, brussel sprouts, kale, turnip greens, cauliflower, parsley, watercress, currants, honeydew melon, sweet peppers ,snow peas, violet leaves, rape, alfalfa, rose hips, chili peppers,

VITAMIN E (tocopherol): vegetable oils, dark green leafy vegetables, brown rice, whole grain rice and wheat, roasted peanuts, sesame seeds, lima beans, cabbage, asparagus, oats, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes

VITAMIN K: broccoli, soybeans, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, peas

POTASSIUM: legumes

CALCIUM: bok choy, broccoli, collard greens, flax seed, figs, almonds, black-eyed peas, kale Legumes, mustard greens, okra, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, soybeans, dandelions, rutabagas, many seaweeds, fava beans, spinach, chard, sorrel, beet greens, parsley, lamb’s-quarters, rhubarb, wheat bran

MAGNESIUM: avocado, banana, potato, spinach, lentils, walnuts, seeds, brown rice, peanuts

FLAVONOIDS: apples, citrus, cranberries, grapes, broccoli, celery, onions

CAROTENOIDS: carrots, peppers, tomatoes, dark green leafy vegetables

ALLICIN, SULFURALLYL CYSTEINE: chives, garlic, leeks, onions

ISOTHIOCYANATES: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower

INDOLES: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower

TERPENES: citrus

BORON: apples, pears, purple grape juice

FOLIC ACID: soybeans, sunflower seeds, wheat germ and bran, pinto beans, watercress, spinach, garbanzo beans, brussel sprouts, romaine lettuce, mung beans, white beans, kidney beans, lima beans, peanuts, pigeon peas, black-eyed peas, potatoes, orange juice

PANTOTHENIC ACID: sunflower seeds, fava beans, peanuts, soybeans, oats, pigeon peas, lentils, broccoli, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, green peas, filberts, cashews, ginko nuts.

PHOSPHORUS: pumpkin and squash seeds, sunflower seeds, millet, dried beans, lima beans, peas, corn, soybeans, wheat germ and bran, dark green leafy vegetables

IRON: parsley, pumpkin and squash seeds, dried beans, millet, sesame, amaranth, pigeon peas, sunflower seeds, sorghum syrup, dark rye, wild rice, sunchokes, prune juice

How To Can Food For Long-Term Storage

1. Gather necessary equipment

2. Blanch product

3. Skin/pit/slice product as needed

4. Poach if needed

5. Place product in jar and add liquid ( to within half an inch of the jar’s top)

6. Cook and seal: Put on a dome lid that is screwed down snug, but loose enough to let air escape. Place filled jar in boiling water bath or pressure canner for specified amount of time.

7. Label (name and date)

8. Cool and store


How To Freeze Food For Long-Term Storage

1. Gather necessary equipment

2. Place empty tray in freezer

3. Boil item(s) to be stored

4. Chill cooked product in ice water

5. Cut as needed

6. Put in zipper-seal freezer bags

7. Label (name and date), and seal

8. Place on cold tray in freezer


To Press Flowers

1. Pick flowers in the morning after the dew has dried

2. Lay, so they don’t touch each other, between sheets of paper towel.

  1. Gently place them between the pages of a heavy, old phone book.

3. Put the book in a warm, dry spot and place more heavy books on top of it.

  1. Leave in the book for at least six weeks to dry completely and quite flat. If they are damp or stick to the paper towels, leave them to dry for another week.

Air-Drying Flowers

Hanging is the easiest way to air-dry bulky or thick-petaled flowers.

1. Gather several flower stems together, remove the leaves, and secure stems tightly with a rubber band

2. Bend a paper clip into an S-shaped hook. slip one end of the paper clip through the rubber band. Twist the other end onto a coat hanger.

3. Hang the coat hanger with the suspended bundles of flowers in a warm, dark place where they wont be disturbed. Spread out newspaper on the floor beneath because some flowers mat release seeds or pollen as they dry.

4. Allow between three days and a week for bouquets to air-dry., depending on temperature, humidity, stem thickness, size of bundles, and flower type.



Class Assignment: What are the different uses of herbs in Witchcraft. Have several different types of herbs. Feel them, smell them, grind them.


  1. What is Cascara Sagrada used for?
  2. What is Cat's Eye?
  3. What is Chicken Toe?
  4. What is Horse Tail?
  5. What are the different uses of herbs?

Next weeks assignment:

Read Pages 205 - 226 To Ride a Silver Broomstick

Week 38 - Herbs, Rocks, and Crystals

Gemstones for Magick

Rock and Crystals - very magickal.  Many uses and are easy to get.   If you don't mind spending money you can get all your rocks and crystals from New Age Stores or Museum stores.  Usually in the New Age stores they are polished and the Museum stores will have both raw and polished.  Now if you want to save a little money and have a wider selection try a rock store.  You can save about 25% off a New Age Store and maybe more off a Museum store. And they usually have a much wider selection as they are catering to rock collectors.  Now if you happen to live in a part of the country where there are gem mines open to the public, this is another great way of getting stones - not only will you be finding them yourself, they will be in a raw state.   The savings (depending on the mine -) can be as high as 95% over other sources.  At some mines a six dollar bag of dirt can land you the stones that would cost up to $100 in a New Age Store - and they are in the raw form - some never before touched by human hands.  Now the final method is rock hunting.  Parks and woods, Lakes and River banks.  This is the cheapest, but with it you will not get a very large selection of different rocks and crystals - but some of these can be very strong - much more so than rocks gotten in other ways.

 Class Discussion: Healing VS Magickal properties of herbs. Have several different types of rocks and crystals, feel them and talk about what is different or what you feel.


  1. What are the properties of rocks?
  2. What are some of the characteristics of the following:

  1. Amber
  2. Amethyst
  3. Geodes
  4. Malachite
  5. Rose Quartz

  1. What are the Magickal uses of the following herbs:

  1. Apples
  2. Bay
  3. Clover
  4. Garlic
  5. Holly
  6. Rose

  1. What is the medicinal use of the following herbs:

  1. Anise
  2. Basil
  3. Caraway
  4. Fennel
  5. Ginger

Next Weeks assignment:

Read pages 155 - 170 of Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (Pages 221 - 240 2nd Edition)

Week 39 - Magick

Part One

Finally, after 39 weeks we have reached Magick!! Now any of you who feel this is the first time we will be working with magick needs to go back and start over.

Magick is all around us. It is every place we look.  Now how do we do Magick and what is a spell??         Magick is bending energies to do our will.  Can anyone do magick - yes, but they must believe they can do it.  If they do not believe in it, it doesn't work.  You must be able to use visualization - Take your hands and put them a few inches apart - see a small ball of glowing energy there.  Make it do things....  I know you can do it, I've seen two and three year olds making these little balls of energy do anything they wanted them to do - must just like playing catch with them.

Just remember - when doing Magick you should be inside a Circle that you cast.   For now cast the circle even when you are playing with the energy balls

Class Project: Work with energy balls


  1. What is Magick?
  2. What you need to do to prepare yourself for Magick?
  3. What is the circle used for?
  4. What is a cone of power?

Next weeks assignment:

Read pages 235 - 245 Witches Bible part 2

Week 40 - Magick

Part Two

We should now have an idea of what Magick is - now we want to use Magick.   This is were spells come in.  You should only use spells written for your coven or spells you have written yourself.  You may find in a book a spell you want to use - then adapt it to yourself - you may not change it very much - but when you are through adapting it, you will understand it and what it is "really" going to do.

WARNING: NEVER, EVER, ASK FOR SPELLS OFF THE INTERNET!!!! You have no idea who the person is who wrote it and what purpose he might have behind it.  Also they know nothing about you.  And if you can not write the spell yourself - you should not be doing it (unless you are part of a coven  performing the spell)  If you have  trouble writing spells and you are in a Coven - ask for help form someone in the Coven.  Like everything there are exceptions to the rule, but be very careful with any spell you didn't write.  Make sure you understand it.  Beware of wordy spells, as they can hide true meaning.

A good example of this is on the Internet I saw a really pretty protection spell.  It was very long and had many pretty words in it.   What the spell was, was a spell in which you would bind yourself from using Magick.   Therefore, in a way, it could be looked upon as a protection spell, but the results would not be what the person performing it wanted.

Class Projects: What is the proper use of Magick. Cast a circle and work with energy.


  1. What is a spell?
  2. What are the best spells?
  3. What book by Crowley is considered an indispensable handbook of Magick?

Next Weeks Assignments:

Read pages 173 - 204 To Ride A Silver Broomstick

Week 41 - Magick

Part Three

You will read that Magick is like prayer.  This is true in several aspects.  One of the major things they have in common is belief.  You must believe that your magick will work - if not, it will not.  The magick of Witchcraft is not a lot of written formulas that you can just cast.  The Magick you will be using comes from within you.  The God and Goddess will help you, but you must believe in yourself.  I have seen children perform Magick that most adults couldn't do, because they knew they could do it and they did it.

Magick can be very simple to very complex, but when creating a spell - make sure you do not make it more complex than you need.  In other words - don't do or say things just to do them.  If you feel that my making it complex it will help raise the energy you will need - then do so.

Always make sure you understand why you are doing Magick.  Never do Magick when you are MAD.  Many people think as long as they say, "as long as it harms none" in their spell, it will not harm someone.  But if you are mad a person and you are doing a spell to counter something they have done to you and in your mind you are thinking of all kinds of things that could happen to this person - you will cause the person harm and you will pay for it.  So, think things out before doing them.   Understand them.  Make sure what you say and what you feel agree.

Friends will find out that you are a Witch and they will want you to do spells for them.  This can be tricky - what should you do.  First, if they are serious and you feel there is merit to what they want done, see if they are willing to be part of the ritual. (Many times this will end a discussion before it goes very far).  And if you feel comfortable about it do it.  Make sure you let them know what you are going to do and what you want them to do and what you want to happen.  Also, make sure they don't think you can do Magick like on "Bewitched" or even "Charmed". In most cases people will want you to do something that you wouldn't do for yourself, so just say - that's not the kind of Magick we do.  You can also say it no different than Prayer what we do.  However, each case will be different.

Class Projects: Explain spells and their uses


  1. How long should there be between drinking Alcohol and doing Magick?
  2. What are quarter spells?
  3. What is Grey Magick?
  4. What is Drawing Down the Moon?
  5. What are Magickal Alphabets?
  6. How do you brake a Spell?

Next Weeks Assignment:

Read pages 175 - 188 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (pages 247 - 264 2nd Edition)

Week 42 - Power of the Written Word

The Pen is mightier than the Sword

The written word - is there power to it.  Yes!  The written word has shaped the world, it tells history (and usually from the viewpoint of the winner) and it can be Magick!

Outside of yourself, you most important tool is your Book of Shadows.  It has in it your spells and rituals and other important information for your use.

We have already talked about Theban and if you have read this weeks lesson you have read about several other Magickal alphabets.  Why use one in writing a spell - it makes you think - it puts more of you into the spell. Some things you should have are a quill pen and parchment paper.  If you can't find a quill pen, you can make one out of any large wing feather - chicken, goose, duck or other bird.  You can find them around lakes where ducks gather or in a hen house.  We have open range chickens where we live and we are always being left nice feathers.    There may be a time you feel you must write out the spell a certain way, even if it's in English.  I did one where I wrote it on parchment with a quill pen and the help of a kitten.  Quill pens are what Ink blotters were made for and a kitten can walk across a page just written and unblottered and add nice paw prints.  At the end of the spell the parchment was burned. (If you have trouble finding parchment look in a food store).

Class Project: Do we still have a need for Magickal Alphabets? Try writing using several different alphabets.


  1. Why should we use Magickal alphabets?
  2. What is the more popular name of Honorian?
  3. What is a Talisman?
  4. What is an Amulet?

Next Weeks Assignment:

Read pages 193 - 200 of Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft. (Pages 267 - 277 2nd Edition)


Week 43 - Healing

Part One

Class: Faith Healing Vs Witchcraft?.



  1. What is the Aura?.
  2. What is Pranic Healing
  3. What is Gem Therapy?
  4. What is a poppet and how is it used for healing?



    Next Weeks Assignment:

    : Read pages 220 - 234 Witches Bible part 2


    Week 44 - Healing

    Part 2

    Class: The use of psychology in Wiccan healing.



  6. How are herbs used for healing?
  7. What is an image spell?
  8. What is Auric healing?

    Next Weeks Assignment:

    Read pages 203 - 211 Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft.

    Week 45 - Getting Set Up

    Start putting it together

    Class: Why should Magick only be done when there is a need for it

    Coming out of the broom Closet.



  10. Can I write my own rituals?
  11. How do you find members for a Coven?
  12. What is a Wiccan Church?
  13. What is the long form of Blessed Be.

    Next Weeks Assignment:

    Read Wicca: A guide for the Solitary Practitioner.


    Week 46 - Solitary Witches

    Part 1

    Class: Are we all Solitary, even when we are part of a Coven



  15. What was the first religion?
  16. What is the supreme power personified as?
  17. What are the three aspects of the Goddess?
  18. What are the 3 sources of Magick energy?
  19. What is a ritual?
  20. What is a mirror book
  21. What are the 13 goals of a Witch.?

    Next Weeks Assignment:

    Read pages 215 - 221 in Bucklands Complete Book of Witchcraft.


    Week 47 - Solitary Witches

    Part 2

    Class: Why do many traditions not allow solitary Witches?



  23. What are the main difference between being a Coven Witch and a solitary Witch?




    Next Weeks Assignment:

    Read pages 276 - 282 in the Witches Bible part 2.


    Week 48 - Wicca Today

    What's happening now?

    Class: How has Wicca changed since the 1950's to the present. Is all the change for the good?



  25. What happened in England in 1951?
  26. Why isn't Wicca a proselytizing religion?


Week 49 - Wicca Tomorrow

What will happen?


  1. What will Wicca be like in the future?
  2. Will there be a pagan unification?
  3. Should there be a Wiccan ruling body?
  4. Since the government recognizes Wicca, will this bring a better understanding to the common man about our religion?

    Project: If you have a copy of Wiccan/Pagan Paths view it and discuss it, if not just do the Class discussion.


    Next Weeks Assignment:

    Questions and Answers - Yours


    Week 50 - Q & A - You Ask

    Get ready for the final


  6. Why do you want to be a Witch?
  7. What does Witchcraft mean to you?
  8. What did you get out of Wicca 101?


Project: This is the last time before the Wicca 101 final exam that you can ask questions. They can be anything except a direct question from the 101 exam.


Week 51 - WICCA 101 FINAL EXAM

Open BOS

Project: This exam will be oral. You need to give an answer for all the questions.

Wicca 101 Test

Taken from To Stir A Magick Cauldron by Silver RavenWolf

(With a few changes)

(Please note some of the questions may have more than one correct answer. You do not have to read To Stir A Magick Cauldron to answer the test most of the answers can be found in To Ride a Silver Broomstick and other books on Wicca)

1. What is the definition of Witchcraft?

2. What is the definition of Magick?

3. What is a Traditional Witch?

4. What is an eclectic Witch?

5. What is a solitary Witch?

6. Explain the history of Stega Witchcraft:

7. Explain the history of Gardnerian Witchcraft:

8. Explain the history of Alexandrian Witchcraft:

9. What is a Dianic Witch?

10. What is a Kitchen Witch?

11. What is a British Traditional Witch?

12. What is a Black Forest Witch?

13. Who is Raymond Buckland? What is his contribution to modern Witchcraft?

14. Who is Z. Budepest? What is her contribution to the Craft?

15. Who is L. Cabot?

16. Who is Starhawk?

17. Name five books you would use to teach Wicca 101.

True or False

(If the answer is false, give the correct definition)

18. BOS means Bullshit Of Science.

19. Familiar means how close you get to the High Priestess.

20. Skyclad means wearing a blue robe.

21. An elder is a tree.

22. Pentacle means the top of the degree scale.

23. Drawing Down the Moon is the process of using paper magick and illustration.

24. List all the Sabbats and their approximate dates:

A._____________________________________ Celebrated on ______________

B._____________________________________ Celebrated on _______________

C.._____________________________________ Celebrated on _______________

D.._____________________________________ Celebrated on _______________

E.._____________________________________ Celebrated on _______________

F.._____________________________________ Celebrated on _______________

G.._____________________________________ Celebrated on _______________

H.._____________________________________ Celebrated on _______________

25. Explain "Pantheon."

26. Give the various purposes for a Magickal name.

27. What is an affirmation?

28. Write an affirmation

29. What does "hive" mean?

30. What ifs the difference between a stang and a staff?

31. What is the purpose of the altar?

32. What is creative visualization?

33. What is the difference between sacred space and a magick circle?

34. Name the five elements, their directions, and their elemental.

35. How do you make holy water and what is it used for?

36. Outline the steps for a spell AND list all the supplies AND tell when it should be performed (including day, time, phase of moon, etc.) And give complete directions.

37. Write a cleansing and consecrating invocation.

38. Define the following and explain the significance of each to the Craft individual:

A. Broom

B. Chalice

C. Wand

D. Cauldron

E. Sword

F. Bolline

G. Scourge

39.What is a Magickal journal?

40. What is compass point magick?

41. What are minor Magicks?

42. List five minor Magicks.

43. What can minor Magicks be used for?

44. Name ten gems and give a Magickal definition of each.

45. Name ten herbs and give a Magickal definition of each.

46. Name ten deities (male or female) and explain their archetypical meaning.

47. What is the chakra system?

48. How many Chakra are there?

49. Where are the chakras placed? (Show by diagramming)

50. What is Graphology?

51. List what goes in a BOS.

52. Name a system of divination and explain its basic rules and how it operates.

53. Write a self-blessing.

54. How do you dress a candle to bring something toward you?

55. How do you dress a candle to send something away from you?

56. What is the Summerland?

57. Explain reincarnation.

58. Explain Karma.

59. Give one example of bending time.

60. Explain the following sentence: The Witch is the Magick.

61. Write the Rule of Three

62. Write the Wiccan Rede.

63. List each of the cards of the Major Arcana and give their brief meanings.

64. Why do you call quarters?

65. How do you call quarters?

66. Why do you cast a circle?

67. How do you cast a circle?

68. How do you draw a circle?

69. How do you draw down the Moon?

True or False

(If the answer is false, give the correct definition)

70. A poppet is a flower.

71. A chaplet is a sacred space.

72. Sybil Leek is the founder of Dianic Wicca.

73. The center of any circle is where the Witch is.

74. If you don't know where the directions are, you can pick them by intention.

75. A binding spell should always be done at a handfasting.

76. Only a female can Draw Down the Moon.

77. Only a Male can strap on a sword.

78. Every time you have a gripe, you call the High Priestess.

79. A wolverine is a renegade coven.

80. Witches can have rosaries.

81. A cord spell involves musical instruments.

82. Cakes and ale are served at the beginning of the ritual.

83. The eightfold kiss is when you kiss the person next to you every time you fold the altar cloth.

84. Illuminator candles are absolutely necessary in ritual.

85. You must anoint all who come into the magick circle.

86. A Witch must make a Witch for a Witch to be valid.

87. Name the aspects of the triple Goddess and Explain them.

88. Match the following candle colors and their Magickal meanings:

Red___, Orange___, Gold___. Blue___, Green___, Blue___, Purple___, Silver___, Black___, Brown___, White___.

A. Good fortune, opening blocked communications, wisdom, protection, spiritual inspiration, calm, reassurance, water, creativity.

B. Spirituality, the Goddess, peace, higherself, purity, virginity.

C. Influence, friendship, special favors.

D. Influencing people in high places, third eyes, psychic ability, spiritual power, self-assurance, hidden knowledge.

E. Energy, strength, passion, courage, element of fire, fast action, lust, driving force, love, survival

F. The Sun, intelligence, accelerated learning, memory, braking mental blocks, selling yourself

G. Earth Mother, physical healing, monetary success, abundance, fertility, growth, personal goals.

H. Protection, repelling negativity, binding, Shapeshifting.

I. Business goals, property deals, career, ambition, justice, legal matters, action.

J. Telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, Psychometry, intuition, dreams, astral energies, female power, communication, the Goddess

K. Wealth, the God, promote winning, safety, winning, happiness

What candle color do you NEVER use for magick?

89. Who is Doreen Valiente?

90. What is ritual clothing?

91. How does a person "raise energy"?

92. There are eight phases of the moon, which are given below. Explain when they occur and their Magickal applications:

A. Balsamic (dark Moon)

B. Full Moon

C. First quarter

D. Disseminating

E. New Moon

F. Crescent

G. Gibbous

H. Last quarter

93. Name the twelve astrological signs and when they occur during the year.

94. What is a medicine bag?

95. Are Witches considered Shamans? Explain your answer.

96. What does the nine of cups stand for in the Tarot deck?

97. What are the Principles of Belief, who wrote them And in what year?

98. What is meditation used for?

99. Explain the God

100. Explain the Goddess

101. Draw two pentagrams, and add arrows to show the invoking and the banishing.

102. What is auric healing?

103. What is an Esbat?

104. What is a Sabbat?

105. What is the descent of the Goddess?


True or False

(If the answer is false, give the correct definition)

106. Totem animals are vegetables.

107. An inverted pentagram is a sign of Satanism.

108. A talisman is the name for a poet.

109. Warding is binding magick.

110. To Know, To Dare, To Will, and To Be Silent are called "The Witches Pyramid".

111. A secret way to tell someone you are in the Craft is to cut an apple in half.

112. Blood of the moon is when the moon is red.

113. A Witch can't heal unless she/he can harm.

114. Runes should be used as a Magickal alphabet.

115. Grounding is when you gather earth to put on the altar.

116. What does " ground and center" mean and when should it be done?

117. What is Shapeshifting?

118. What is OBE?

119. How many Witches does it take to screw in a light bulb?

120. Match the planet to the day and give the symbol:

Sunday _____ A. Mars

Monday _____ B. Saturn

Tuesday _____ C. Venus

Wednesday _____ D. Sun

Thursday _____ E. Moon

Friday _____ F. Mercury

Saturday _____ G. Jupiter

121. Give the element for each day.








122. Explain invoking and evoking.

123. Explain aspecting.

124. Write a generic ritual outline.

125. Do Witches pray/

126. Write a ritual format to empower a talisman.

127. Write a ritual outline to catch a criminal. Include deity chosen and why.

128. Name the three aspects of the God and what they stand for.

129. What is the Magickal reason that Witches do not use an unequal-armed cross in their work.

130. What does the spiral stand for.

131. What is the new chakra vortex? (hint: its color is pink)

132. Explain how the practice of hypnotherapy may be helpful to a Witch.

133. What are the name of the four types of brainwaves? In which type of wave is meditation begun? In which type of wave do most "visions" occur?

134. What happened in England in 1951?

135. What is an altar devotion: Write a short one.

136. What is the burning times?.

137. What is a salute?

138. What is the difference between summoning, stirring, and calling when discussing quarter energies? Who do you summon? Who do you stir? Who do you call?

139. Draw and name the symbols of the elements

140. Name the four angels and the quarter each represents.

141. Name the colors of the four winds.

142. What is Witches Hammer?

143. Do Witches believe in guardian angels? Why or why not?

144. Why do spell usually rhyme?

145. What is sigil? List two ways in which it could be used.

146. What is the difference between a charm and a spell?

147. What does moon void of course mean?

148. What did James the first of England do in connection to Witchcraft..

149. Why do we cast natal chart:

150. What does " As Above, So Below" mean?

151. What is a "thoughtform"?

152. Is Michael a Chaldean prince, predating both Christianity and Judaism, or is he an Archangel?

153. What is the fastest way to break a hex?

154. What does "A Which cannot heal if he/she cannot hex" mean?

155. Name the four anti-discrimination Craft organizations in the United States today?

156. What is the first thing you should do, should you be faced with discrimination because of your religion?

157. What is the key of Solomon the King

158. What are planetary hours and how are they used?


Next Weeks Assignment:

NEXT WEEK: You Become A First Degree Witch


Week 52 - First Degree Ritual

This is it -

Project: This is it, the year is over. Last week you should us your knowledge of the written word - tonight you will prove to us you are a Witch. You will cast circle; you may use what ever you want to do this.

Before the circle you must give to your teacher, all ritual items you have given made over the year including robes. They will be returned to you in the ritual.

Year and a day

Items: Min. Setup, white candles, Student's tools.


The Circle is cast in the normal way by Student with Teacher and other Coveners outside of circle.

Once the circle is ready the Student will go over and cut a doorway for the others to enter the circle. The HPS/HP will go to the Alter and the student and teacher will come face the HPS

Teacher: I bring forth tonight, a Student, who has been studying the craft for a year and a day.

HPS: What is your name?

Student: I am, give mundane name, and I have been following the path of the Lady and the Lord for a year and a day.

HPS picks up Student's tools and says to her.

HPS: Do you know the use of these tools?

Student says yes and explains the use of them.

HPS: You have shown us you know how to cast circle, and to call upon our Lady and Lord, is this done with a pure hart?

Student says yes.

HPS: What shell we call you.

Student will say Wiccan name or choose a new name if she wants one.

HPS rings bell

HPS: Let it be known to all in this Circle and to the Lady and her Lord, that this is ______________ and from this day forth she can be called a Witch!

HPS: Will the Maiden lead _______________ to each captain so they may introduce her to the Guardians.

The Maiden does so.

After this is done, she is brought back to alter

HPS: At this time is there anything you would like to say?

Student at this time will say a few words, rededication herself to the God and Goddess.

After this cakes and ale

Then we do a normal closing of the circle.


Next Weeks Assignment:

Now the really hard learning begins...

Notes: Ritual was written by Dreamweaver of Dragon Palm Circle 1999ce. Feel free to change it, add to it, or personalize it in anyway. Please note HPS can be changed to HP or both and if the student is male please make the changes necessary.


Appendix 1 - Items that can be printed out to hand out to the student.


Dragon Palm Circle

Wicca 101

This is not really a test, but answer every question as best you can. This will help us in teaching the class this year. Many of the questions have no right or wrong answers -

  1. What is a Witch
  2. What is Wicca
  3. How long have you been on this path?
  4. What do you expect to get out of Wicca 101.
  5. What books have you read.
  6. What percentage of your current knowledge of Wicca come from.
    1. Books
    2. Movies
    3. Internet
    4. Friends
    5. Another Wicca class
    6. Coven
  1. Who is Gerald Gardner
  2. What is a Book Of Shadows
  3. What is the difference between Magick and magic
  4. Who is Raymond Buckland?
  5. What is your main reason for taking Wicca 101
  6. Do you know how to cast circle
  7. In what direction to you start when you are casting circle
  8. What is the importance of the Year and a Day.
  9. What candles on an Alter represent the God and Goddess and why
  10. Give a list of all Craft tools that you know of and what they are used for.
  11. What is a Warlock
  12. Who is Silver RavenWolf
  13. What is a Coven
  14. What is an elder?


Welcome to Dragon Palm Circle

We are a full-service Eclectic Wiccan coven, with a focus on teaching and ministering to the needs of the community. We have both an Inner and an Outer Circle.

We have a Covenstead that currently consists of three families from the Inner Circle who live on the same property and live in a semi-communal fashion. Although each family lives in a separate dwelling and is self-supporting financially, we share chores, like cooking and shopping, and caring for the coven’s children. We often have meals together and generally enjoy each other’s company. Please keep in mind when attending a class or a ritual, that this is our home. We expect our home and all who gather here to be treated with respect. If you have a problem with something that is said or done while you are here, please address it to one of our elders. We want you to feel comfortable and safe while you are here.

Our Inner Circle consists of our members who have completed at least a year and a day of Wiccan study and have requested membership in Dragon Palm Circle and were unanimously accepted by the other Inner Circle Members. Our Inner Circle currently consists of members in TN, GA, & FL. Each member of the Inner Circle is equal in power and has an equal vote in all coven business. Most importantly, our Inner Circle is a family, truly living the principle of "perfect love and perfect trust.’ Even though we have a High Priestess, any member of the Coven can lead a ritual. We do not have a High Priest. If we perform a ritual requiring a High Priest, one of our members is selected based on the type of energy or skills that are needed to perform the ritual.

Our Outer Circle consists of our students; solitary Wiccans or Pagans who choose to worship with us; friends or family members who are of other faiths and also join us for Sabbats; and generally anyone who has expressed an interest in worshiping with us and has sworn an oath to the Coven. Members of the Outer Circle are always welcome at Sabbats and are considered to be part of our group as long as they uphold the rules of the coven. All members of the Outer Circle have a voice regarding coven business, even though they do not have a vote. Outer Circle members are

Our Students are considered to be one of our most valuable resources. We feel that teaching is an important responsibility of all Wiccans. At this time we offer two classes: Intro to Wicca, which is an eight-week class designed to give the history, philosophy, and beliefs of Wicca; and Wicca 101, which is a comprehensive course on Wicca that lasts a year and a day. Intro to Wicca is the first 8-weeks of Wicca 101. Anyone can take either of these classes. Please let one of our members know if you are interested. There is no charge for taking our classes, however, you are expected to provide your own books and to print your own copies of assignments. We currently use Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland, To Ride A Silver Broomstick by Silver Ravenwolf, and A Witches Bible by Stuart and Janet Farrar.

Full Moons are closed rituals. Only our Inner Circle, Students, and certain Outer Circle members may attend without special invitation by the Inner Circle. Because of the nature of the workings and the level of trust required, we may not perform magic at a circle attended by new students or others who are not capable of the magick being done. We will always "Draw Down the Moon" at these rituals.

Sabbats are open rituals for our Inner and Outer Circle members and their immediate families. If you are interested in bringing someone with you to a Sabbat, please see a member of our Inner Circle. This is important as there is always a feast with a Sabbat and we need to know how many loaves and fishes we’ll be needing.

Dedications are rituals performed by a pagan to announce to the Goddess and the God, and sometimes to the coven, that they are making a commitment to the pagan path. A person should always write and perform their own dedication, although they may write parts for other covens to assist in their ritual, if it is to be performed for the coven. Some people are more comfortable dedicating themselves in private.

Initiations are rituals performed by the coven to bring someone to a new level within the coven. Initiations can be held for year and a day (usually first degree), second degree, third degree, Inner Circle membership. Generally no initiation is the same; they are written and performed specially for each person.

Handfastings are pagan weddings. They can be performed as a legal marriage or can be performed as a spiritual commitment without legal formalities. We have several members who are able to perform legal marriages in the state of Tennessee. As Wiccans, we do not place any judgements on love. We will perform legal marriages for any couple who meet the legal requirements of the state of Tennessee. We will also perform non-legal handfastings for any consenting persons who wish to enter into these commitments based on love and respect.

Wiccannings are the introduction of children to the Wiccan community. The child is dedicated by the parent(s) to be raised in a pagan path. The parents may also name Goddess/God parents to help with the child’s spiritual development.

Crossing Over can be anything from a eulogy to a funeral. If the person was known to be pagan, this would likely be an actual funeral. If they weren’t pagan, this would most likely take the form of a eulogy, which would be given by the person(s) who knew them best. A small service can also be done based on the Wiccan belief in reincarnation and Summerland.

Ritual Etiquette is fairly uncomplicated. If you attend a ritual at Dragon Palm Circle, you are expected to be respectful of our home, our guests, and our beliefs. Please try to be on time. Once circle has been cast, do not leave the area without first asking someone to "cut you out." Talking is permitted and you may ask questions as long as it is not disruptive of what is going on at the time. We will try to have someone serve as commentator when there are new guests or students attending a ritual. It would not be OK to talk during a silent meditation or the mystery play portion of a Sabbat, for example. Proper attire for Ritual at Dragon Palm is either robes or street clothes. We do not perform any open rituals "skyclad." It is very rare for us to use alcohol in ritual. If we do, it is in very small quantities for "cakes and ale." We have some members who choose not to take alcohol, so an alternate beverage will always be offered. We also ask that if you are using illegal drugs that you not attend any Dragon Palm function. The coven does not advocate this in any way and we will not tolerate anyone bringing illegal drugs to any Dragon Palm functions. This is your only warning. If you are found with illegal drugs, you will be asked to leave and will not be welcome in the future. If you are ever uncomfortable with something that is being said or done, please talk to one of our Inner Circle members about it. We try to have an environment that is comfortable and safe for everyone.