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Dragon Palm Circle
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Dragon Palm monthly PNO
Mood:  happy
Topic: PNO's

Dragon Palm Circle has a monthly Pagan night out at the Sevierville, TN Books- A - Million.  This event happens every third thrusday of the month.  To keep up on this join the YahooGroup DragonPalmEvents.

This is just a time for Pagans to get together and talk to other Pagans.

Posted by dragonpalmcircle at 4:31 PM EDT
New with wicca 101
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Wicca 101
We are in the proces of updating the wicca 101 site.  The new changes will not be updated until the entire site is redone.  The changes in many way are just to make the site look a little better and eaier to get around and adding the new offsite area we are using with the online class.  It also makes the online class relfeclt the live action class much more. We are expecting this to take up to six month to finish.  We are at week 9 as of this writing, and these have been easy week - latter weeks are going ot take soem major revamping.

Posted by dragonpalmcircle at 4:25 PM EDT
Saturday, 24 December 2005
Live Wicca 101 Class
Mood:  happy
Topic: Wicca 101
We will be starting a new live class at our Sevierville, TN Covensted. The classes will start towards the end of January 2006. If you are interested try and come to our PNO January 18th at the Sevierville Books-a-Million in the Coffee shop. for more information: dreamweaver@dragonpalmcircle.org

Posted by dragonpalmcircle at 2:42 PM EST
Friday, 28 January 2005
Mood:  happy
This blog is open to any topic about Wicca and Witchcraft. Just post away Dreamweaver

Posted by dragonpalmcircle at 11:23 PM EST
Friday, 31 October 2003
Well it's 20 minutes into Samhain...The festivies and ritual is still hours away....What are you doing or did for Samhain? Blessed Be Dreamweaver

Posted by dragonpalmcircle at 12:10 AM EST

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