What to wear to Circle
This depends on what Trad or Coven you belong to. Today rituals will vary from skyclad to robed to street clothes. Which is correct? All of them can be. Lets look at both the pros and cons of each way.
Skyclad: Pros -
Cons: Weather, Can't do it in a public place, some people are uncomfortable, people join circle just to look at nude people.
Robe: Pros -
Cons: If you can't make your own they can cost a lot of money. If the ritual isn't at your home, its another item you must take with you.
Street Clothes: Pros -
Cons: It lacks any formality, The dress of the group can vary greatly from a pair of shorts to a suit.
Some Trads say all rituals must be skyclad. If you are in one of those Trads you will be skyclad. Others give you the choice of skyclad or robed. (everyone in circle will be either skyclad or robed not both) With many modern witches Street clothes is the only way. Sometimes the HP and HPS will be robed and the rest will be in street clothes.
With skyclad -
Robes should be a part of every Witches wardrobe. Even Witches in Trads that go Skyclad at times will be at open circle and rituals where skyclad is forbidden because of the public nature of the area. It really adds to the ritual and festivities when everyone is robed.
Robes can be worn over street clothes, but the preferred way to wear them is skyclad under them. When it gets real cold out street clothes may be needed.
Street Clothes, which is getting more popular, has very little good that can be said
about it. For the Witch on the go, it seems the logical thing. Also the beginning
Witch may not have robes yet -
Do not do a ritual skyclad if you feel uncomfortable. This would take away from the
workings of the ritual. I know people who will work skyclad with their Coven, but
never with outsiders present -
If you do not have one -
What do you wear for ritual and why.
What are your feeling about Skyclad, Robed, Street Clothes.
Skyclad Vs Robe Vs Street clothes
Give good points for each
Give bad points for each
Give times one is preferable over the other.
1. What is Skyclad?
2. When making a robe, what kind of materials are best?
Read page 38 Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft
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